001 | Prey

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"I can't pick you up. I'm sorry. Got caught up in my work." Said the person on the other line. I held my phone tightly not knowing what would my response be.

"Chu? Babe?"

I sighed squinting my eyes and biting my lip.  "It can't be helped. Why didn't you say sooner tho? I could have gone home and watch anime, hmp!" I crossed my arms as I playfully yelled.



I heard a small chuckle from him.

"Ohh? Ohhhhh? Now you're laughing. Is there something to laugh at now?  Hmph." I huffed.

"I mean, I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you. Promise." He assured and I can't contain my smile.

"You're lucky I love you, Kookie." I sighed.

Kook let out another chuckle. "That's for sure. Love you too, Chu. Be safe, 'kay? Call me when you get home." Then hanged up.

I let out another sigh. I wanted to be frustrated to be honest but as I said it can't be helped. I looked down at my working area which is a desk full of books. These books are scheduled to be organized next week but I have already finished the ones for tomorrow.

Because I thought someone will pick me up if I ever do overtime!

I gritted my teeth. I will never do overtime again. As long as I want to be in this lovely library and do my job so good because I'm a great librarian you never have, I still have to get home.

I glanced at the clock near the office door and widened my eyes. It's already passed ten o'clock!

Freaking overtime!

I need to go home or else I couldn't watch the one re-air episode of Detective Conan! I hurriedly but surely took care of my things and arranged my desk. I got out of my office, locked the door and said byes to the janitor and security guard.

Once I stepped out of the magnificent library building, I turned towards my way home. It's just 20-minute walk but I'm on my heels so this would hurt a bit.

Halfway, I stopped on my tracks. I look around me. Just the same as before but it's quiet and no person could be seen. Is it me or is it the darkness?

I shook my head and continued to walk home. I let out my phone, texted my best friend's number to meet me outside the house (we live together). Just in case. After that, I hid my phone and hold onto my pepper spray with my one hand. You may never know, right?

My heels echo over the road. Kind of terrifying but at least I know it's my footsteps and the only footsteps here.

Is it?

My heart began beating faster all of a sudden. It's so silent. Is it like this every evening?

I walked faster so I could get to my comfort zone. I'm getting crazy. I need to get home. Fast. Now.

I got goosebumps. The night is getting chilly. I can't take it. Should I run? If I run, will I make it? I think, I think I should--no, I must ru--


Before I could even start to run, I bumped into someone, hard.



I almost lost my balance but I have managed. I caressed my forehead and look at the person before me. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Goodness, Unnie! Watch where you're going." The person in front of me scolded. I can't contain my happiness to see my best friend for being here. I want to cry but I don't do that or rather I'm too tired to do that.

"Chaeng, what are you doing here?" I asked and looked around my surroundings. Oh, thank goodness I'm almost home.

"Instead of waiting, I decided to meet you halfway because that's more interesting." She pouted but raised a brow at me as I just catch my breath that I didn't know I was holding before. I think she sensed something too.  "We should go home. You're tired."

She pulled my arm and we went inside the house.

Yes, I'm tired. I'm just feeling things.

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n o   o n e

Unbeknownst to them, two men were observing  Jisoo from a far.

"Is she...?"

"She is."

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

April | 20 | 2020

The Night | YuSoo & JaeRoséWhere stories live. Discover now