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After hours of waiting, I was finally called back into the room. I glided into the area and smiled at the four people sitting in front of me. I recognized the bald man and the clip board lady, and the boy sitting down...I believe I've seen him in a few movies? Maybe a T.V show? I don't know, but one of the people I had no idea who he was.

"Hello, Skylar!" The clipboard lady smiled at me. The boy just groaned and shuffled his feet. "I'm Liz."

"I'm James." said the bald man.

"William." said the man that I haven't seen before. I nodded at the three and glanced at the boy, thinking that he was now going to introduce himself.

"Like you don't know who I am."

I was a bit taken back. Was I going to be working with this kid? I really hope not.

"I'm sorry but I don't really know you."

He sighed and clapped his hands together "Thank God she's a nobody."

I crossed my arms and huffed, "I'm not a nobody."

"His name is Dylan, Dylan O'brien." said liz, putting a hand to her forehead.

I nodded as it clicked. "Oh...The Maze Runner and Teen Wolf."

"And High Road, The First Time, The Internship, did youtube for awhile, Sacks West, won a few awards-"

"I get it."

"Okay, now to tell you what this is really about." said James. "Dylan is in a rough point in his life-"

"Yeah I heard." I cut him off, "Drug attic, cheating on his girlfriend, excessive drinking-"

"I DID NOT cheat on Britt and I AM NOT a drug attic." he emphasized the did not and I am not.

"SETTLE DOWN!" Screamed Liz, pounding her fists on the table.

"Sorry." We both said together.

"I'm going to get to the point before you two interrupt me." sighed James. The sound of William writing something on a clipboard was heard. "Dylan needs to clean up his act publicly, so we are going to do a publicity stunt."

I held my breath. Please don't let this be going where it is going. "If you accept, you will be hired as his fake girlfriend."

"No Wa-" I was about to decline when Liz and Dylan spoke up at the same time.

Dylan saying, "I knew she wouldn't do it."

And Liz saying, "A great amount of money will be in return!"

I ignored Dylan "How much?"

"Each week you will receive 500 dollars. Cash."

"Each week!" My eyes widened. She nodded and smiled. "Will you do it?"

I shrugged "What is all required for this?" I needed this money so bad. I think I should accept no matter how bad things get.

"Okay..." William finally spoke up. "You will be taking pictures together, going on dates together, we will be in control of your social media and you will sign a contract leaving us in charge of you two's public and personal life."

I held my breath. "Oh God."

"Will you do it Skylar? Please."

You need this money Skylar. So bad. So so so bad. You could pay for everything now.But is it worth it...

"Sure. I'll do it."

I guess so.

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now