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A week later

"You look really beautiful." Dylan stated, walking down the street. The faint clicks of paparazzi in the distance.

"My hair is in a messy bun and I look awful."

He looked at me like I was from another planet and shook his head vigorously. "You are out of your mind. You always look beautiful."

I threw my head back and groaned. "Shut up."

He pretended to zip his mouth shut as we swung our connected hands as we walked.

"How are you doing?" I asked, looked up at him.

"With the whole-"


"Okay I guess. It still really bothers me though."

I smiled and playfully nudged him. "It will be okay. I promise."

He chuckled, "Thanks Sky."


I collapsed onto my couch after a long date with Dylan. I closed my eyes, taking a long deep breath in, and then releasing it. I hopped up to make myself a cup of coffee, pouring the vanilla scented liquid into my mug, I felt the warm liquid  cascade down my throat. I honestly wish that I could drink the black coffee that Dylan does. Its much healthier and not as bad as the sugary white Starbucks coffee I drink.

About Dylan, this whole situation we have going on between us. I don't really know. I would actually really love to have a relationship with him. I actually think he would be the best thing that has happened to me. Let me rephrase that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have really strong feelings for him. It annoys the crap out of me that Liz-

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing rapidly. I sighed and glanced at the caller ID. It was Dylan. I smiled to myself and picked up the phone.

"Hey Dyl-"

"Please. Please come over Skylar. Please" he cried into the phone. I could hear him shuffling around his house in a frantic motion.

"Dylan, are you okay?" I frowned, setting my coffee mug down. Well it was kind of clear that he wasn't okay, but maybe I could get more detail on why he was crying.

"N-No. Just please come?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'm getting in the car right now Dylan."

"Thank you so much Skylar. Thank you."

He disconnected his phone as I quickly ran out to my car. The air was cool and a light drizzle of rain coated my windshield.

As I arrived to his house, I quickly turned my car off, in which I had rented a few days back, and rushed inside the front door. Which was of course unlocked.

"Dyl?" I yelled, watching as Dylan came out of the kitchen and surrounded me in a huge hug. His tears wetting my sweatshirt and his body quivering from the sobs.

"Britt?" I questioned as I felt his head nod against my chest. He pulled away from me, showing his puffy eyes and bloody hands.

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing his palms and watching the blood ooze out of the deep cuts.

"I-I dropped a picture...I t-tried to clean it up...But I kind of-"

"It's okay." I smiled up at him. "It will be okay. But we have to get to an emergency room. To examine your hands. These cuts look deep and the glas-"

"No. No no no no no. Please don't make me go to a hospital."


"Please. Please I don't want to go. I hate hospitals." He shivered. I couldn't help but think that had something to do with his mom.

I sighed and shook my head. "Do you have tweezers? Maybe some gauze?"

He nodded and reached up above his fridge, handing me a kit with a large Red Cross on it. I opened it up and say on the floor, Dylan sitting across from me.

"Stay still. I need to see if there is glass in your hands."

He nodded, watching as I pulled a few shards of glass from his fingers. None really in the center of his hand. I looked up at him every once and awhile, making sure that he was doing okay. After applying the proper medicine and bandages needed to his hands, I pulled him up and smiled faintly as we sat ourselves on the couch.

"How'd you learn that?"

"My mom..she was a nurse."

He nodded, "Well she must have been really good."

I smiled a little, remembering all of the fond memories with my mother. But I wasn't going to go there right now.

"What's wrong? You were fine earlier."

He shook his head. "No I wasn't. I was acting. Pretending. Faking. I wanted to seem strong, and like I didn't care."

I kept my eyes down at his palms, scanning the white bandages carefully. "Liz...called me earlier. Were going to go clear this all up within the next few days. Everything will be good as new. We are going to a few interviews and making everything okay."

He looked up at me and frowned. "Will you be there?"

"Right there beside you."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now