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I didn't know why. I just couldn't sleep. I woke up again about 2:30am with a headache and a small stomach ache. I was sweating bullets and I slowly got up from the bed. I led myself carefully into the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of hot tea in hopes of becoming tired again and feeling better.

"Hey." I heard a groggy voice mumble. "You okay?"

I looked up at Dylan and smiled lightly. I shook my head and shrugged, "I'm not really feeling that great. But, go back to bed. Ill be fine."

"No, what's hurting."

"It's 2:30."

"I don't care. What's hurting."

"I have a stomach ace and a head ache." I sighed. He nodded, disappearing into the other room. Within a matter of seconds he came back with a thermometer. He rested his hand carefully on my head and quickly drew it back.

"You're burning!" He frowned. "Let me check your temperature."

"Dylan, I'm fine."

He rolled his eyes and tried not to smile. "Just let me check your dang temperature."

I gave in as I put the thermometer in my mouth. After a few minutes It began beeping rapidly. Which meant I had a fever. He carefully took it out of my mouth and sighed dramatically.

"102. You Mrs. McCal are sick."

"Oh really?" I stated sarcastically. He just scoffed and searched the cabinets for something.

"When did we get a thermometer?" I asked. He turned around with two pills and smiled.

"The same time we got this medicine."

I drank a bit of tea and popped the two pills into my mouth. "Done."

"Alright, you wanna go back to sleep now?" He yawned.

"I got up because I couldn't sleep." I groaned.


"Fine. I'll try to sleep" I gave in, standing up and slowly trudging to the bedroom. I dove on to the bed and brought my knees up to my chest, in hopes of easing pain. I felt a pair of lips kiss my head and a soft sigh.

"Try to sleep, wake me up if you can't."

"Why do I wake you up?" I asked as he collapsed on the bed with me.

"So I can take care of you."

I groaned and attempted to hold back the huge smile forming onto my lips. He smiled back and turned off the lamp placed on the bedside table. And eventually, I fell asleep.


I awoke with an awful headache and stomachache, way worse than before. I slowly got up from bed and dragged myself into the kitchen where Dylan was sitting at the counter.

"Feeling better?" He asked, going to the stove and fetching a bowl of something and a spoon. Setting it down on the table motioning for me to eat it.

"Not really, and what is that?" I asked curiously.

"Chicken noodle soup."

"Where did you get it?"

"There's an earth fare down the road, I heard there soups are good."

"You didn't have to do this Dylan." I giggled, sitting down at the table.

"I wanted to."

I laughed and rolled my eyes "Agh, stop being so nice."

"Yea yea, now eat the soup and get your little butt back in bed."

"My butt is not little."

"Mhmm." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and started to eat the soup happily.

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now