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"No. Way. Skylar, I will find a way to ruin your life. No matter how long it takes I will."

"Not while I'm around." Dylan smiled.

This day was crazy. And within a second, it just got even crazier when a siren was heard in the distance.

"You called the cops?" Britt and I said in usion.

"Yeah. Sending threats, posting something online with out permission and an attempt of kidnap is illegal. Sorry Britt." Chuckled Dylan.

(I'm really sorry if that got just a little bit crazy for a second there, but hey. That happened.)

I looked up at Dylan and smiled as red and blue lights filled my eyes.

Dylan and I did not continue shopping, well obviously. That day just went a little too crazy for my comprehending and I was ready to go home.

Britt obviously had something wrong with her. Like she couldn't find anything better to do than torment our lives which is a little sick if you ask me.

•••••• next day

"What should I make for dinner?" Asked Dylan from the kitchen.

"We could both make pasta. There's some good garlic bread pre made in the freezer."

"Ooh. That sounds good. I'm in."

"ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?!" Liz screamed, bursting through our front door.

"How did she get-"

I cut Dylan off. "She had a key made. Remember?"

"Oh joy."

"Britt. Is. In. Jail. It's all over the news, and so are you two. Turn it on." Liz instructed. I did as she said as the news crew was on.

(I'm sorry if it takes like a few days to pass trials and stuff if you were actually arrested but hey it is what it is.)

"Brittany Robertson arrested for sending threats to former boyfriend Dylan O'Brien and his girlfriend Skylar McCal. Both are heard to be safe and un harmed at them moment. They fortunately called the police just in time before she could have done any more damage. More on Britt's story after this."

I switched the TV off and smiled. "Well, we don't have to worry about her anymore?"

"Correct." Dylan smiled.

Liz crossed her arms "I thought I told you guys to go out. Yes, I told you to let the public see you but this isn't what I meant."

"I don't see the big deal." Said Dylan, collapsing onto the couch.

"You two got a well known actress in jail. This could either end good or very badly."

I shrugged. "Well hopefully luck will be on our side."

"Why didn't you guys tell me? I could have helped?" Liz crossed her arms, tapping her foot.

"You would have told the press or something."

"Yeah, and I think we handled it pretty well."

Liz chuckled "Yeah you keep telling yourself that. I hope this doesn't blow up in your face because if it does-"

"It won't. You can leave now, Liz." Said Dylan. Liz huffed and stomped her foot to the ground like a five year old and trotted out of the house.

"So about that pasta?"

Dylan laughed and nodded, "Lets get to it."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora