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I scanned over the schedule for the upcoming events today.

10:30: arrive at 1987 Housewood Drive in front of the large apartment building. (can't miss it)

11:00: you two will head over to the small town area and go shopping, or just walk around the park.

12:00 go to the small café named Woodies and eat lunch.

12:45: take a picture for instagram, then you two may go on your way.

I groaned as I threw my hair up into a messy bun, completing my mascara as well. Just as I did that, my phone binged.

(Unknown): Hey, It's liz! You two (Skylar and Dylan) have been added to this group chat to keep you guys updated.

(Unknown): Amazeballs

I added the two contacts as Dylan and Liz. Because I think is pretty obvious who was who.

Liz: Dylan. That is not appropriate.

Dylan: Amazeballs? How is that inappropriate.

Liz: please just focus.

Me: Should I start heading over to the apartment?

Dylan: Dang it I was hoping she died.

Me: I will stab you.

Dylan: Why so violent?

Liz: knock it off.

Dylan: aw, but I was having so much fun.

Me: kill me

Dylan: I'd love to.

Liz: both of you just leave your house now and meet me in front of the apartment.

Dylan: why are we meeting in front on an apartment?

Me: why not?

Dylan: because it's strange.

Me: your strange

Dylan: *you're

Liz: you better both be here within 10 minutes.

I shut my phone off and rolled my eyes. If there were one word to describe Dylan it would be annoying. I walked out my tiny apartment and shuffled over to the bus stop, if you think that I had money for a car you are completely wrong.


I drove over to the destination and saw Liz waiting there, tapping her foot impatiently. I hopped out of my car as she rushed over to me.

"Is Skylar with you?!"

"No." I chuckled, "Why on earth would she-"

"It doesn't matter." she cut me off. "I knew you would be late, but her?"

Suddenly Skylar came running from the corner, completely out of breath.

"I'm so sorry!" She heaved, "the bus...was late."

"Woah woah woah wait." I laughed "You take the bus?"

"No, I drive Porsche."

I pointed over at my Porsche and smirked. She just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Liz.

"Okay guys, you're both about thirty minutes late and were running way behind schedule."

"Okay, okay. Can we please just get this over with?" Skylar groaned.

"Yeah, I can barley even bear standing next to her."

She turned and stuck her tongue out at me as I did the same to her.

"You guys are such children." Frowned liz, rubbing her temples. "See over there?" She pointed towards a park.



"Okay, so walk around there acting all flirty. Holding hands, laughing, giggling. Everything like that."



"Then, go to Woodies. Dylan, you know where that is. And then, snap a quick picture and then you can go home."

"Thank God."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now