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After a long day of boating, we finally arrived back at my small apartment.

"Thanks for driving me Dylan. Today was cool."

"Yeah." he smiled, "I had fun."

"Especially when the crab pinched you." I giggled.

"Hey that crab was in my personal space, I was not in his!"

I laughed and nodded my head, "Yeah yeah. See ya later Dylan."

"Bye Sky."

The car door closed and he drove away.

Wait. Did he just call me sky? Oh my god. I was just called Sky. I'm pretty sure it just slipped out right, or I heard it wrong? No. It was definitely Sky. He probably didn't even mean to. He just thinks of me as a friend. Nothing more. Shoot. I'm just overthinking this. Way too much. Is it bad that I think it's cute? Yes. Very bad. 100% bad.


Shoot. Did I really just do that? Yes. Yes I did. Sky. Oh my god I'm so stupid, she's probably wondering why the frick I said that and how much of an idiot I am. Oh my god she's so going to take it the wrong way. (Ahhh overthinking)

But, when we held hands. The nervousness, the sparks, the butterflies. It was weird. And the fact that I love spending every single second with this girl is beyond insane. I'm suppose to not be getting along with her. I'm suppose to be refraining from girls. remember. What happened with Britt. Yeah. Bad. Bad bad bad.

Should I just start being all douchey to her? I need her to dislike me as much as possible. But, I can't do that to her. I've known this girl for how long? A few days? Dang it I'm already screwing this up. I can't put her through something that might hurt her. It would kill me. I just need to attempt to be as stubborn as possible.


After realizing that him calling he sky was no big deal, I went back into my apartment and went into my bedroom, getting ready for bed.

While brushing my teeth I got a notification from Liz.

Liz: In one week you guys have one of the most important meetings ever in Los Angeles. Yes, you two will be traveling 5 hours together alone.

Dylan: Ugh.

Me: Seriously?

Liz: Yes. I don't know how long it takes you guys to pack so I decided to tell you ahead of time. Anyways, just prepare and I will text you the details later on this week.

Me: Thanks.

Dylan: Can't she just drive herself?

Me: I don't have a car.

Dylan: Can she walk?

Me: Can you jump off of a cliff?

Dylan: I'd love to.

Liz: Oh and by the way, you two have to at least do something in public everyday for the next week. I'm leaving it up to you two for this. I have to get ready for this meeting, just do something productive please.

Me: Got it.

Dylan: Yeah, yeah.


Night before trip)

Dylan and I were currently hanging out at his place. Yeah, yeah you may be surprised thinking, 'what the heck, I though you guys didn't really associate?' Well, we decided that if we're going to spend five straight hours in a car together and the next six months, me may as well try and be friends and hang out.

"Hey, have you ever had the everything but your kitchen sink sundae?"

"You mean the thing off of the Disney movie Geek Charming."

He nodded, "That's the one."

"Your a dork." I giggled, tossing popcorn up in the air and catching it in my mouth.

"Oh C'mon Skyalr. It will be fun."

"Fine. Only because I love ice cream though."

"I only have one flavour, and that is my favourite flavour."

I raised my eye brow, "And that is?"

"Cookie dough." He smiled, standing up heading to the kitchen.

I clapped my hands together and nodded my head. "Cookie dough is my favourite make me a bowl!"

Dylan chuckled as he put two scoops of ice cream into my bowl. He spread out a lot of toppings. From sprinkles to Peanut butter.

"Ok, whoever can make the best sundae in under one minute wins? Got it?" He got the timer ready on his phone.

I nodded my head. "Your going down O'Brien."

"In your dreams McCaul."

"Ready?" I giggled.

"Let's go." he smirked, starting the timer. Both of us started piling on items. Anything I could get my hands on.

The timer beeped and we both put our hands up, finishing the sundaes. To be completely honest, they both looked a bit discussing.

I hesitantly spoke "Ok, first we try our own then we switch."

He nodded, Taking a bite of his as I took a bite of my own. We both cringed at the taste.



"Switch." be both said in usion, handing each other out sundaes. We both took a bite of each other's and sighed in satisfaction.

"This one is not bad." smiled Dylan.

"Yeah, I could live with this one." I chuckled, continuing to eat it. We both took seats at the small coffee table he had in the center of his kitchen.

It here has been one thing bothering me this whole week though. About Britt. What ever happened to her? Did something happen bad between them? I was just really curious. But I feel like that it would be too weird between us afterwards. But, I was going to ask anyways.

"Dylan, we've been hanging out of almost two weeks. Can I ask you something?"

Dylan nodded, "What's up?"

"People say that you cheated on her? But you didn't..."

He nodded his head. "You believe me?"


He smiley cheekily, looking down. "Thanks."

"No problem...But, what happened."

"It's a long story."

"I'm ready to listen."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now