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"Did Liz tell you?" Dylan whispered into my ear. We were both currently sitting in Liz's car, getting ready to be dropped off at the park for our date today.

"Tell me what?" I whispered back at him.

His eyes widened a boy as he tilted his head to the side, like a puppy almost. "About the kiss?"

My heart started beating faster as my eyes widened as well. "Kiss? We are kissing? Sense when?"

I still managed to keep my voice to a whisper so Liz couldn't really hear. I mean it wasn't really a problem if she did hear, I would just rather keep it between Dylan and I.

"Calm down Sky." he giggled a little. oh yeah, Sky was his new thing now. That's what he would call me. I actually thought it was really cute, but that was just my opinion. "We're actors. I kiss on set all the time."

I nodded, "oh yeah. same." I lied. I haven't really been on a big set. But, I didn't really want him knowing that. I feel like he might judge me or something for not being experienced.

"Sky, I don't care that you've haven't kissed on screen before. It will be fine I promise."

I nodded, "I know, I got this O'Brien."

He chuckled as Liz pulled us up to the park. "I'll text you when it's time."

"Yeah, it would of been nice for you to tell me." I smirked at her. She glanced at me quickly from the rear view mirror.

"I apologize. I forgot."

"Uh huh." I rolled my eyes, Dylan grabbing my hand and leading me out the car.

I was nervous to kiss Dylan. Like really really nervous. Because....I think I'm starting to like him. More than a friend, more than a costar. So much more. The feeling when we hold hands, that feeling when we cuddled. That feeling when I'm around him.

Dylan led me over to where the paparazzi where and smiled a re assuring smile at me. I hesitantly smiled back and glanced down at Dylan's phone which had just lit up.

"Okay, liz says it's time. Ready?"

I swallowed hard and nodded. "ready."

Dylan grabbed my cheeks gently and collided our lips together. As our lips touched, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. It was literally the best thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. There was a feeling in my stomach that exploded when we touched.

We both slowly pulled away and kept eye contact. as we stared at each other, you could tell we were both feeling at least close to the same thing.

I was trying to find something to say, but when I opened my mouth nothing would find its way out. I could tell Dylan was struggling with the same thing as me.


"That was uh."

We were still clutching on each other's hands and staring at each other like we were the most important people in the world. We released each other's hands and broke the gaze between us.

"So...thats what it's like kissing on set?" I smiled nervously.

"N-not really." he stammered, scratching the back of his neck.


"I meant yeah, that's what it's like." He smiled. We looked over at the paparazzi taking thousands of pictures that where bound to be the next big thing in a few hours.

"Ready to bowl?" Dylan smiled widely, dismissing the kissing subject.

"Bowl? I thought according to Liz we were going somewhere to eat?"

"Eh, Bowling sounds funner. We can even share a large nachos."

I laughed, "how romantic."

"I know, Liz will be surprised how much of a gentleman I am when she sees us sharing nachos all over the Internet."

I nodded, "Lez go Brien."


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