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(Next day)

I walked into Dylan's car and buckled myself in. The only sound was the radio playing barely audible and I noticed Dylan glancing at me from time to time.

I nervously tapped my foot and fiddled with my fingers. I really did not want pictures going around everywhere of me looking awful in a bathing suit. And I didn't really want Dylan seeing me in it either.

"Hey." Dylan chuckled as we stopped at a red light.

"Hmm." I hummed, stopping the tapping and looking at him.

"Are you okay? You look kind of sick."

"Sick. No I'm not sick."

He quickly scanned me with his eyes before staring the car again. "Nervous."

"I guess."

"Well it's okay. One thing that I've learned is that...." he paused, exhaling slowing. "Is that everything....Turns out okay." He kind of looked down for a second before turning his focus back at the road.

"Are you okay? Did something happen."

"I'm fine. It's..Okay."

I nodded, understanding that he didn't want to talk about it at the moment. As we pulled up to the docks where the boats were held, paparazzi were already waiting for us.

"Will they follow us while we're on the boat?"

"From a distance, yes."

We let ourselves out and I glanced at Dylan, who grabbed my hand. I almost forgot, were a couple.

"Where are the dang security guards?" Dylan sighed, as the paparazzi surrounded us. They shouted questions at us and yelled things. Dylan wrapped his arms around me, shielding me from the shouting people.

"You okay?" He asked me after we were on the dock and protected from the people.

"I'm fantastic." I giggled. We found the boat that Liz had rented and climbed on.

I rose my eyebrow "Who's driving?"

"I am!"


"Yes. I'm an expert boat driver."

I rolled my eyes and sat in the cushioned chair. "Just don't kill us."

"Calm down, you won't die."

As he started the boat, the engine roared and we were off.


The boat began to slow down as Dylan got the anchor ready to throw in. Before I knew it the anchor was in and Dylan was taking his shirt off. I didn't stare. I didn't want him to think I like him like that.

"Let's jump in." He smiled. In the distance I saw a boat snapping pictures.

"I'd rather-"

"Oh common Skylar. Your not going to be one of those girls that just tans the whole time."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Tanning is-"

"Booooring." Dylan cut me off. "You don't really have a choice. You have to come in or Liz will get upset."

"I know I know."

I reluctantly pulled my shirt over my head. I positioned my arms over my stomach so it wasn't noticeable. Dylan sighed and walked over to me, removing my arms from my stomach and raising his eyebrow.

"You don't need to worry about any of that Skylar. Your beautiful."

I blushed, but then quickly covered it up.

"Beautiful huh?" I smirked. His face turned a bit red as he shook his head.

"Look, I used to date this girl. You may know her, Britt-"

"Everyone knows." I giggled.

He rolled his eyes and continued the story, "well she used to have the same problem. But, the thing that she needed to realize is that she was-"


"Yeah. So. You just need to calm down and jump in the freaking water."

I sighed and held back a huge grin, "ok."

He jumped in as little droplets of water landed on my knees from his splash. I giggled and quickly jumped in after him, feeling the cool water surround my body. I came up and started laughing, just the feeling of happiness when I was with Dylan.

"Glad you jumped in?"

I smiled and nodded, just spending the rest of the day with Dylan, swimming and boating.

Would you watch my YouTube videos if I made a channel? :)) ❤️

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