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"Ok. So every Friday night for three months Britt would go alone to a small bar down the street. Sometimes I would insist that I go with her but she would refuse. We had been together for four years so I didn't think anything of it. I was so stupid. She was basically screaming 'Hey Dylan I'm cheating on you!' For three freaking months. Every Friday and all the other free time that she got she would go see him."

"So, why do people think that you cheated on her?"

"Because.....I loved her..."


"Paparazzi finally caught up to her and took pictures of her and the guy that obviously wasn't me. Fans were freaking out, our managers were pissed. It was a giant mess. But, I loved Britt. A Lot. And even though she cheated on me I didn't want her carrier to end. I didn't seek revenge or anything. I just wanted her to be okay. So I asked my manager to just explain to the public that we had broken up months ago and Britt had the right to kiss the douche. But we couldn't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because we had been kissing, hugging and going on dates the past week. Basically the whole world knew we were still together."

Then how?-"

"After days of convincing liz, I finally was able to spread the rumour that I cheated on Britt first, and she was doing that to get back at me for revenge. So that's what we stuck with." He paused before continuing. "I'm surprised the public believed it. Its a bit stupid if you ask me. But they will believe anything I guess. The only thing that matters is that her carrier was saved."

"Dylan. That's awful, yet sweet at the same time."

He chuckled and shook his head. "It's over and, it's all okay."

I smiled and nodded. "Listen I'm always here if you ever-"

"Skylar. Don't say that I'm okay!" He giggled, tossing some popcorn at me. It landed in my lap as I plopped it in my mouth. "Mmm" chuckled. He chuckled back at me, leaning back into his chair.

"I feel like we're going to be great friends."

"Why do you say that?"

"They always say a deep story starts a friendship."

He chuckled, "Well there you go."

(The trip)

"I swear to God if you change the station one more time-"

uptown funk you u- making my way down town, walking fast-



I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I dislike you."

He ignored me and continued to sing "MAKING MY WAY DOWN TOWN!"

I sighed and shook my head. "You're such a girl."

"I'm a man."

"Oh yeah, prove it o'brien."

He flexed his muscles and smirked at me. I just groaned and continued to stare out the window. We were currently riding in a big van. Yeah, a van. It could hold about eight people. The story was, Dylan did something to upset Liz and his punishment was that his Porsche was taken away. And now we have to spend like five hours alone together in a big black van. I swear we look like murderers.

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now