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Dylan and I got really really close this past week. It was amazing.

We both walked into the conference room where Liz held meetings and such. Dylan was placing little kisses on my cheek as I attempted to push him off.

"Dylan, Stop!" I giggled. Liz came into view with the usual clipboard in hand.

"What are you doing to her Dylan?"

"Loving her."

She rolled her eyes "I still don't really approve of this."

"Yeah, yeah. What's the big news?" Asked Dylan, continuing to rest his head on top of mine.

She was hesitant at first, but glanced down at her clipboard, reading something. "I think you guys need a step up in your relationship."

"Oh god." I mumbled to myself. Dylan squeezed my hand reassuringly and smiled at me.

"My team and I have decided that you two are to move in with each other."

My mouth dropped open and I pulled my hand away from Dylan, Running my fingers through my hair. "what?"

"You two are moving in together."

"It's been three months. ONLY three months. Liz, I can't-"

"You signed a contract. I'm sorry but it is what it is. You guys have one week to yourselves before the move."

Dylan shook his head, "Look, she doesn't want to do it. She shouldn't be force-"

"Dylan, Skylar. Too bad. You're moving in together and that's final. It will be great for both of your publicity."

Skylar looked at me, and then back at Liz. "No. The public will think this is insane and this will ruin our relations-"

"Oh, I wonder why I told you not to actually get together?" Liz stated in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Can I quit. I want to quit."

Dylan looked down to me. His eyes were filled with hurt. I partially regretted saying that.

"Quit? You cant quit. your contract remember?"

"You would you want to quit? Just because we're going To live with each other? We've known each other for three months and spend the day at each other's house like everyday. It's not like it would be any different." Said Dylan, furrowing his eye brows.

"I just don't want to do it? You can't respect that?"

"I did respect it until you said you wanted to quit. I thought I may have meant more to you than that."

"Are you kidding? Your being a total douche." I yelled, crossing my arms.

"I have done absolutely nothing douchey. You are being so immature Sky. You just need to calm down."

"Calm down? I don't want to live with you! Get that through your head Dylan!"

"My head?"

"Yes, your head. Do I need to say everything twice? Living with each other would totally destroy our relationship."

Dylan shook his head, "I actually think that it would make us closer. I was actually sort of excited. Maybe now I don't want to live with you anymore."

"Good. Now we're compromising." I spat.

"Guys!" Liz shouted, slamming her hand roughly against her clipboard. "you two." she motioned with her fingers. "Are moving in together. No buts, or's, and's, it's or why's. It's final. Both of you meet me at this address Monday morning. You have one week." She frowned, handing Dylan a piece of paper with an address on it.

She gave us a hard frown before saying, "Don't disappoint me."

"Yeah yeah." Dylan sighed, shoving the paper into his pocket and turning around on his heel. "You coming?"

"I thought I was immature and you wanted me to calm down?" I crossed my arms.

Dylan sighed and walked towards me, "look, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said that but I was trying to be as reasonable as possible. But you know I wasn't the only one in the wrong here. Sky, maybe living together won't be so awful? We will have each other and it's not like I'm proposing or anything. Everything will turn out okay. It always does."

I nodded, running my fingers through my hair. "I know, I'm sorry too. I guess I just freaked out or whatever? I'm not sure. I can sure loose it sometimes though. I was just worried."

"Hey, it's okay." Dylan smiled. "I'll drive you to your place so you can pack your bags and then tomorrow we can pick out some belongings we want to take with us. Sound like a plan?"

I nodded, "Yep. Thanks Dyl."

"No problem. Let's go."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now