Chapter Four: Fate

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Chapter Four: Fate.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Hale whispered with tears streaming down his face

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"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Hale whispered with tears streaming down his face. He reached out to probably hold my hand but I jerked it away like he burned.

"Damn it, you won't let me touch you... I..." He sank back to sit on the floor opposite me and put his head in his hands.

"I'm breaking up with you," I said between silent sobs. "I told you that if this ever happened again..."

"It was a mistake" Hale cried. "You can't just break up with me!"

I winced at how loud his voice was.
He said those words before, but here we were again.

"It's over" I said as firmly as I could and hoped I could just walk away as I stood to my shaky feet.

The door swung open and Mrs. Frances stepped in with a smile that made my stomach sink to the floor.

"I say it isn't over, Violet Adams." She said and cast a sour look to her son who was still on the floor.

"Get up you dummy and go get some ice and make up" she snapped and he rushed to his feet. I didn't want to be left alone with Franca, not when she was worse than her son.

"You will not break up with my son" she said, her ice blue eyes regarding me with calm frost.

"Wh-what?" I asked. "He hit me! He's going to keep..."

"Oh please, you love him and you cannot just give up on him. So what if you have to endure a little pain?" She said.

I stared at her perfect face in a rush of emotions before concluding on one thing. "You are diabolical."

She laughed a small perfect laugh before grabbing my neck and shoving me backwards to the wall. Her nails were digging into me and I choked, trying to pry her hand away.

"I am not evil, I am doing this for my son to be happy. Do not leave him, wether you're going to pretend to be his girlfriend or whatever just stay with him or I will make your life very difficult. Just like this" she snapped her fingers, "I could frame your dad for a crime and send him to jail or I could single handedly ruin your mother's life so she could never travel again. I can take everything away from you, Little Violet."

She released my neck and I gasped for air, shuddering and coughing and praying this nightmare would be over.

"Are we clear, child?" She asked as Hale walked in with the requested items.

He stood there watching me and everything I ever thought he was, kind, loving and caring, drained off him like fake paint.
He was just as evil and manipulative as his mother.

"Clear" I answered and they left me to stop crying and clean my face up.

I pressed the ice pack against my swollen cheek, the imprint of Hale's hand red and stinging. At this point, I wasn't crying because of physical pain.

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