Chapter Sixty-seven: Even More Promises (Finale).

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Chapter Sixty-seven: Even More Promises.

"Alright girls, let's go over the game plan one more time." I whispered, applying nude lipstick in front of the bathroom mirror before turning to look at Annie and Susan who were all dressed up for the party too.
I was told it was a casual dinner but the invitations got out of hand and now it was a full blown soirée.

I trusted that Tia Monica was always ready for extra guests, but I still had my own planning to do.

"Okay, so when my alarm goes off, I'll give you the signal so you can take Angel Boy to the closed balcony." Susan started and I urged her to lower her voice some more because the person we were talking about was literally right outside these doors waiting for me.

"The closed balcony. A.K.A, the only balcony with the nicest view of the full moon which we so happen to be expecting tonight." Annie recited, touching up her afro as she looked in the mirror. "I'm to make sure the balcony is empty so you can have your special moment."

"And after this you'll bring out the rings and present the heartfelt speech you've been preparing." Susan sighed dreamily. "A simple foolproof plan."

"Oh thank you, I was wondering if it had too many elements that were dependent on chance and I....hope this goes perfect." I rushed out. Besides the confession, I was a bit anxious about my first party since taking off my cast. It probably wasn't a big deal to everyone else, but it was to me.
Annie bumped her side into mine playfully.

"Don't worry if it doesn't okay? I'm sure Angelo would be amazed with whatever you come up with, even if you blurt it out. Just remember to be in the moment." She said coolly and headed towards the bathroom door to grasp the handle. "Everyone ready?"

"One last thing." Susan said and raised her phone.

"Good call." I said and moved in to pose, we looked too good to not take a selfie.

I took some extra seconds to check if everything looked good in the mirror while Annie and Susan stepped out into Elena's room where Angelo was waiting for me.

"You look different, Angelo. Did you cut your hair?" I heard Susan ask.

"No it's not the hair," Annie mused, "But it's definitely something. Whatever it is looks nice, Angel boy."

"Thank you, I suppose." I heard Angelo reply awkwardly and I laughed to myself. "Is my girlfriend coming out anytime soon?"

"Eventually," Annie said before calling to me, "Violet, meet us downstairs okay?"

I hurried to open the door and smile at them. "Yeah have fun, I'll be out in a second."

"Ah finally, there she-"

As they closed the door behind them, I smoothed out my dress and turned to Angelo who was standing just by Elena's bed, mid sentence.

"So..." I turned side to side so I could show him the low back dress I had on, the lavender silk softly swishing around my legs as I did. "What do you think?"

I looked up at him to find him staring down at me, and his lips moved to form soundless words.
As his gase drifted from my dress and trailed all the way up over my body to meet my eyes, he slowly sank down to sit heavily on the bed, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.

A feeling like electricity ran up my spine with the way he looked at me. So deeply, so intensely. And I understood him so much it felt spiritual.
I suddenly turned warm and shy under his adoring eyes; I'd never felt anything like this before.

"Thank you." I said softly, smiling shyly at him.

He let out a soft groan, "Come." He managed to whisper and flopped backwards onto his cousin's bed before stretching out his hand to me, the rings on his fingers catching the light.

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