Chapter Twenty-three: Sweet Talker.

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Chapter Twenty-three: Sweet talker.

Angelo's POV

Once I heard Violet's approaching footsteps, I switched the app from the one I was originally using to Minecraft.

The door swung open and she stepped in. I found myself staring at her as she walked past me wordlessly and went across the room to the closet.

Bad mood alert. My subconscious warned.

I waited for her to come out with a fresh pair of pajamas. I liked them, they had yellow duckies.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking up from the laptop and wheeling my seat around.

"Tired." She replied, immediately and flopped onto the bed on her side, her face hidden in the pillows.

She was on my bed. Barefoot. Wow.

Later, my subconscious said and I turned back to the laptop to continue my work.

I had about hundreds of files to go though, looking for loopholes and basically anything that could help me achieve my goal. Why did this have to be so hard and boring though?

The next time I looked at the clock, it turned out to be a few minutes past one.

Sleep! My annoying subconscious groaned.

"Five more minutes." I whispered, going to the next file.
Then I blacked out.

I probably should have had coffee before doing this because I was so tired I could have stayed there till the next morning if Violet didn't wake me up.

I thought she'd said something to me so I raised my head from the keyboard to look across the room.

She was still asleep, curled into herself and whimpering.

That got me off my seat immediately, and I was soon at her side watching her live out her nightmare.

I couldn't make out a word she was saying but that one pained cry she let out was enough to send my subconscious running.

"Violet, it's okay, wake up." I said calmly, shaking her shoulder. The moment her eyes opened, she screamed and literally fell off the bed.

Crap, I was terrible at things like this.

My fingers raked through my hair as I racked my brain for what to do.

Trust the process, my subconscious advised from wherever he was hiding.

After getting a bottle of water, I went around the bed to see her on the floor with her head resting on her folded knees.

She looked so small and so scared and broken. With shaking shoulders, she rocked back and forth, sniffing.

"Violet." I said quietly, lowering myself to the floor as well but keeping my distance. "I'm here."

Still sobbing, she turned her head to look at me, even her obsidian curls were stuck to her wet face. "Angelo."

My breath caught in my throat at how sad she sounded. "Hey, I'm going to come closer, is that fine?" I whispered.

She actually had to consider that for a second and just when I thought she'd refuse, she nodded and hid her face again.

With a relieved sigh, I scooted closer and gingerly put my arm around her, leaving plenty of room for her to shake me off if she wanted. I still had no idea what I was doing but trusting the process seemed to be working fine.

"Talk to me, Violet." I said. "What was it about?"

"I can't..." She whimpered.

Crossing my fingers for good luck, I gently urged her to lean against me, her head was near my chest now and I stroked her bare arm in gentle motions.
"Just try..."

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