Chapter Forty-six: Unpleasant Surprises.

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Chapter Forty-six: Unpleasant Surprises.

Oh, this was not good. Susan was going to blow this out of proportion!

"Shh! You're gonna cause a scene!" I whispered but it was too late.

"Dating?! No!" A girl wailed from somewhere behind me and I turned to Angelo with a glare.

"Let's leave the murder plotting for after we leave here intact, shall we?" Angelo said and took my hand to leave but a crowd had already gathered and everyone. Had. Their phones. Out.

"Violet Adams, is it true you're dating Angelo Frances-Sullivan?"

"He's out of your league!"

"Congratulations, you guys, I've been following your love story since the very beginning...!"

"Angelo, marry me! I'm so much better!"

That one was from Susan, she was the loudest voice.
"Oh my goodness I'm so excited I'm gonna-!"


That was exactly what she did, into the nearest trash can but a little bit on the floor so some people jumped out of the way.

"Eww! Watch it!"

"That works." Angelo said and skipped over the vomit, pulling me right along.

"Sorry Susan, it's life and death!" I called.

"I'm fine!" Susan replied still doubled over.

"Hey, look they're getting away!" Someone screamed. "After them!"

I don't know how Angelo did it, but he managed to get us safely in first period class before anyone realized where we'd gone, and by the sound of the bell too.

"Looks like this is me." Jason McGuire said as we came in and got up from beside Annie who also had English first period with us. I guessed he was just spending time before classes started. "Hey guys."

I took my seat which was behind Angelo's and waved at Annie.

"Girl, you look amazing." Annie gushed, shutting her book. "You actually got a wolf cut? It's perfect! Ohh let me see your nails up close."

I was going to show her, and pretend everything was normal but Jason frowned in confusion as his phone started buzzing with so many notifications. Actually, every phone in the class was getting multiples of them!

"Ugh, this is not how I wanted this to go." I said, massaging my temples.

"Uh... why's everyone saying you two are dating?" Jason raised his phone with a chuckle.
I noticed the people at the front whispering and looking back at us.

"I can feel you glaring through my skull." Angelo deadpanned from the seat in front of mine before turning sideways to look at me. "It's unsettling."

"Oh I'll show you unsettling." I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not to blame if people in this school can't react normally to surprising news, darling." Angelo shrugged.

"Holy- You guys are really dating?" Annie blurted before adding thoughtfully, "Can't believe you actually went through with it."

Angelo gestured to her while looking at me. "Normal."

"Not so fast." I held up a finger and pointed at Annie.

"Wait a minute, why am I hearing this from social media?" Annie asked before leaning forward in her seat to frown at me, "When did this happen, was it today? You never even told me about your date on Friday...!"

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