Chapter Fifty-nine: Action!

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Chapter Fifty-nine: Action!

"Close the door, child. Scream or try to draw attention to yourself and I'll blow your brains out." Franca Frances said sweetly. I wasn't even sure I could move, every muscle in my body was locked, paralyzed.

But my mind was whirling. If I fell forward and pressed the horn long and hard, everyone could come to the rescue, but Franca was mad, she could hurt my friends, she could hurt... Angelo. My tummy churned. No it had to be me, I could...

The hard, terrifying barrel of the gun touched the back of my head. "Don't think because I'm here for you you're important. You're bait. Now hurry, unless you'd rather be dead."

I reached out and pulled the door shut. "What do you want?" My voice was shaking, even as a whisper.

"A lot of things, Small thing, all of them wrapped about that boyfriend of yours, but first I need you to drive back to my residence." She chuckled darkly, "I just know he'll follow."

Oh lord, she was going to trap us in her own playing field. "W-wait, you don't have to do this-"

"TURN ON THE CAR!" She barked, jabbing the gun into my neck and causing me to jump, choking on a sob. She must have had the remote too because the garage door was starting to open, revealing the grey skies and bare trees outside.

With trembling hands I turned the key, wiping my eyes on my sleeve and a moment after the car started, the door that led into the house swung open. Angelo walked into the garage, his phone still pressed to his ear and his hand running through his hair. But then when the engine revved, he looked up, confused.

"Here, I'll leave him a message for you." Franca cooed and my heart dropped when I heard her cock the gun. She aimed it right at him through the windshield.

"YOU CAN'T SHOOT HIM!" I screamed. 'STO-!" Two gunshots rang clear into the air. Things went crashing down. I changed gears, slammed down on the gas pedal and tires screeched as I got Franca Frances as far away from Angelo as possible.

She was cackling, but all I could see was red. Right then, I didn't care who she was or what she could do, once we got on the street, I slammed the brakes so hard she hit her head on the back of my seat.

"Is this all a game to you?!" I yelled turning in my seat to look at her.

"You idiotic-!" She hissed, holding her nose. "I will break you to a million pieces."

"You just shot at my boyfriend...!" I whirled around and made to open the door, I had to check on him.

The sound of the gun halted my movements and I let out a shuddering breath, despite my fury I couldn't bring myself to dare her twice in a row.

"Do you actually want to die tonight?" She asked coolly, but then changed her question after a moment. "Do you want to see your friends ever again, Small thing? You have so many of them now, surely you won't mind losing one or two. How about Jason first? Manon? Or should I start with the ones you're much closer to? Their blood would be on both our hands."

She had successfully struck a nerve and now I was beginning to have a headache from fighting back breakdowns. "You can't blackmail your way out of everything." I whispered, raising my eyes to the rear view mirror, only slightly braver than I truly felt.

She smiled, showing off perfect white teeth. "Ever heard that knowledge is power?" She asked, leaning back into her seat, having put me back in a box successfully. "I use what I know to get what I want. And right now I know that the men I have stationed around your house to replace those hopeless bodyguards your mother set up won't blink twice before putting a bullet in Susan's head. Drive."

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