Chapter Forty-seven: Pep Talk.

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Chapter Forty-seven: Pep Talk.

"Would you ladies mind excusing us?" Hale asked with a voice that didn't match the malice in his eyes. "I'd like to do some catching up with my ex girlfriend."

The girls giggled, and waved without a second thought. "Sure thing, Hale! Bye Violet!"
I did make eye contact with one of them but she just looked at Hale and walked away.

I couldn't blame them if they didn't notice the thickness in the air, or the dark, foreboding energy that seemed to swarm around as Hale took a step forward.

"Don't come closer!" I held my hand out to ward him off. "I have nothing to do with you."

My voice was stronger than I felt but my knees wobbled as I turned to leave, causing me to nearly fall when he pulled me back by the arm.

"Get back here, I'm talking to you." He growled.

"Don't touch me!" I yanked my arm back and I nearly slapped myself across the face when I realized my bag was in Angelo's car.

"Well, well." Hale said, brown eyes- the same shade as the ugly, murky things going though his head- giving me a once over. "You think you've finally gone up in the world, eh Violet? Who do you think you are? Miss Popularity? You're nothing."

"If I'm nothing then what do you want from me?!" I yelled and the echo of my voice against the very empty hallway walls was painful. I made one more attempt to scoot around him. "You've hurt me, used me and gotten rid of me, I've got nothing for you."

"That's for me to decide you ungrateful wench!" This time, he grabbed me by my shoulders and the world moved too fast as I was slammed against the wall hard enough to let a yelp escape my mouth. "Shut up!"

"Let me go!" I struggled, kicking my legs as hard as I could despite how light headed I was feeling. I could get out of this, I was stronger than this.
But all my kicking seemed to do was make him press himself against me to prevent me from moving at all.

"Scream and I'll be dragging your limp self out the back." He threatened, too close to my face, to close by far.

I didn't realize I was crying till I shut my eyes and turned my face away. I couldn't force back the whimpers no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even bring myself to breathe.

"You're so weak. You actually thought you'd gotten away? We watch you, Violet." Hale said in my ear and each word made me cringe.
"We know when you're awake, when you're sleeping, when you work, when you go on your little starlight dates or try to get rid of me by clearing out all that I ever gave you. You think your life can go back to normal? No. Not when I'm watching. You can never escape, I'll just keep coming back and there's nothing you can do about it."

He stepped back and I thought the air would come rushing back into my lungs. But it didn't and my knees failed me so I fell to the ground, searching for air, blinded by my own tears and pure, unfiltered fear.

Why wasn't anyone coming to help?

"And I've barely done anything." Hale's voice taunted over the pumping sounds of my rapid heartbeat. And he was right in front of me once more, on one knee.
"You can never heal, accept that and this would get easier for you. Tell anyone about this, we would know, and we would not go lightly on you, not on your parents, not on your idiot friends and if you think my mother can't have a bullet be put though Angelo's bloody skull just like his parents then you're more than hopeless."

A new cold chill travelled down my back. He just admitted to... He knew it as well. Of course he did!

"Oh and?" He added as his voice travelled so it sounded like it was above me. "As for what I want? It's just you. You're my pretty little prize."

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