Chapter Thirty-two: Fatherly Love.

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Chapter Thirty-two: Fatherly Love.

There was a little bit of traffic on the road. Of course there was, it was Halloween.

"Did you ever go trick-or-treating, Angelo?" I asked, flooring the gas to overtake this one car that made slowing me down its life ambition.

I looked to the right and nearly snorted. He really was holding on for his life, gripping onto the "Oh great heavens!" handle and the door.

"Are you okay...?"

"Face the road!"

"Okay, damn." I said, trying to hide a smile by biting on my lower lip. Then I decided to turn on the radio.

"What are you doing?" Angelo asked, eyes wide in alarm.

"Relax, I just want to..."

"Holy...look out!"

I looked out just in time to straighten the wheel before we drove into a curb, then I accelerated to speed between two cars.

"Wow, this car can move." I said in awe, smiling at Angelo who looked like he was really considering opening the door and belly-flopping into the road.

"Never again. Never again..." He groaned, eyes shut like in prayer.

I'd only been driving for five minutes so far.

But he did really seem distressed. It wasn't my fault his fancy car made me feel like James Bond!

Sighing, I slowed down at a traffic light. "I'm sorry, I can park if you want to switch."

He opened an eye, only seeming to notice that we'd stopped moving. Then he leaned back into the seat, his hand going under his coat to massage his chest.
"If I were in the right state, I definitely would."

I frowned in confusion and reached over to feel his forehead. "You're not getting sick, are you?" His temperature felt fine.

"It's a mind thing, don't worry." He said. "And you seem a bit too confident in your driving skills so there's that. I actually want to make it back to the hotel alive."

All of a sudden I remembered that a car accident was what killed his parents and nearly even him.
Goodness! How could I have forgotten something that huge?!

The traffic light went green and the cars before us started to move.

"Okay, I'll just pretend I'm driving my own boring car in need of servicing." I said, and to prove my point gently moved us forward at a regular, not at all action movie style speed. "That better?"

He made the okay sign with his fingers, adjusting the seat so it slanted back a little bit.
I smiled to myself, he looked comfortable now.

"Today wore you out, didn't it?" I asked.

"Absolutely." He said, shaking his head before turning to look at me. "I'm glad you were there, Violet."

I gave him a side look and a smirk. "Want to know how I know you're really tired?"


I opened the compartment between our two seats and brought out a pack of Skittles.
"You forgot all about snacks."

Angelo laughed.

He actually laughed as he took the pack from my fingers.
Sure it was a little laugh, more like a breathy chuckle than anything, but I'll be damned if that didn't make me the happiest person ever right then.

I was still grinning proudly when he leaned over, and kissed me on the cheek. "Tu eres tan perfecta." He murmured.

That was it, I was so going to learn Spanish!
"You're such a tease." I pouted. "I'm guessing you won't translate?"

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