Chapter Fifty-Five: A Deathly Allergy To Ugly Shirts.

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Chapter Fifty-five: A Deathly Allergy to Ugly Shirts.

Dad was totally overworking me. I mean, I didn't have evidence but he definitely was. I spent the entire time I knelt on the ground scrubbing something hard and crusty off the restaurant's tile floor figuring out the nicest mean name to call him. I eventually settled on "horse face" because even though Dad looked nothing like a horse, it still felt nice to call him that.

"I'll tell your Dad you're calling him horse face." One of my coworkers announced as he walked past me.

"I'm not!" I protested before scrubbing harder just so I could leave this place before familiar faces started to show up. This was what I got for losing a game of monopoly to Mom and Dad yesterday. They were really good, I had no idea what I was thinking by betting with them. But they had fun, it had been a while since we all hung out like that. It actually felt like we were a family again.

"Guess who's your new coworker!" I heard a cheerful voice call as she walked out of the kitchen with a server's uniform, a notebook and pen. Mom definitely didn't know what she was getting into if she thought she could serve in heels.

I laughed at her, pointing with the brush I had in my hand like I didn't look more ridiculous. "That's what you get for second place?!"

"Thought I could use the extra cash." Mom replied, laughing because I was laughing.

"What are you slackers doing?" Dad asked, coming out of the kitchen with narrowed eyes. "The customers are waiting... ah!" He dodged the notepad Mom tossed at him and grinned when it missed.

"I'll get you next time." I promised him. "You shall feel the wrath of my vengeance!"

"Yeah, in the meantime you missed a spot, Cinderella." Dad chuckled probably proud of his joke.

I looked up at the ceiling in agony. "Help me, I need a fairy-godmother!"

"How about a Dark Knight?" Mom grinned, looking towards the entrance at someone and I immediately whipped my head in that direction.

"Angelo!" I squealed as he walked over looking absolutely gorgeous in a button up shirt, slacks and a long coat all in black, he probably just finished a meeting. "Quick, save me from the dragon!" I said, pointing at Dad, causing Angelo to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Dragon, huh?" Dad folded his arms, making himself look bigger, "I'd like to see you try-"

"Sir, I didn't want to admit it but you're the one I got these flowers for." Angelo said, shoving a bouquet of roses in Dad's hands. Then he walked up to me and took my hand to pull me up from the ground with a smirk. "Quick, while he's still shocked. Hello Ms. Olivia."

I giggled heartily and hurried away with him, "Happy ever after, here we come!"

'Wh-! Hey! Get back here you two!" Dad finally recovered, but we were at the doors, and I was pulling my hair out of its bun with a huge grin.

"We'll track you down if you're not back on time!" Mom called and I heard a few of the customers laugh at our antics as we left.

"Where are we going?" I asked Angelo who was watching me like I was the most fascinating thing on earth as I tugged on my apron sash.

"I don't know honestly, I just wanted to be with you." He said, shaking his head, an easy smile gracing his face. "Want to go for a drive?"

"Do I!" I replied and just then, it started to rain. I would have said the weather changed out of nowhere but there had been signs all day today. "Come on!" I said, pulling Angelo with me and tossing the apron somewhere. Each cold rain drop against my skin seemed to make me even more excited and soon, instead of jumping over puddles, I splashed right into them.

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