Chapter Forty-One: Lucky Andromeda.

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Chapter Forty-One: Lucky Andromeda.

Heads up: This chapter is long and it also contains music lyrics. Hope you enjoy!

Was this it?
Was Angelo finally going to let me know something about his life?

While I deeply cherished the parts of him I'd discovered for myself, I desperately wanted to know the other parts only he could tell me himself. I wanted to know all about this person I'd helplessly fallen for and I could barely believe he was talking to me.

I'd abandoned my salad and was now eating from a bowl of grapes and berries and since my legs were folded and his were stretched out, my knee rested on his thigh a bit. It was nice.

"Why did you date her if you didn't like her?" I asked, hoping I didn't seem pushy or anything. But I didn't have to worry, he was in the sharing mood.

"Well, you have to understand that we were part of a group in the orphanage. Mey, Noah, Inna and I, we were the only ones in the same age range so naturally we stuck together as best of friends do." Angelo said, pausing to sip from his cup of juice. "Inna was a tomboy for a while..."

"I'd be surprised if she wasn't." I said.

"Yeah, she was stronger than us too and it was funny actually. Then she decided to be more feminine later on and the whole thing surprised us a bit." He said, "I'd always seen Inna as my 'bro' and suddenly she was asking me out because she liked me."

"Oh," I said, blinking twice. "Well, got to admire her confidence."

"She knew I wouldn't ask her." Angelo said, staring at his shoes. "She also knew I wouldn't say no because I won't want to risk ruining our friendship by rejecting her, so we dated."

I winced a bit at how strained his voice sounded at the last word. "Was it that bad?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I don't know, I didn't know what I was doing and it was obvious. So she took that chance and told me the things I was 'supposed' to do whenever she could. We were supposed to hold hands all the time, I was supposed to know what her favorite color of the week without her having to tell me, I had to automatically know why she was so upset..." He blew out a breath and continued.
"I know they don't seem like big deals now, but no one told me that these things were meant to come naturally, I was supposed to want to make her happy all the time."

"Yeah." I nodded, hanging on to his every word. "How long did this go on for?"

He leaned forward and folded one leg under him so our knees were touching. "For a few months. I thought I'd get the hang of it eventually so I just went on with anything she wanted. But she got more agitated whenever I wasn't the perfect boyfriend she'd dreamed I was and we kept breaking up over and over. Everytime we broke up I'd have to go and beg her to take me back because I felt it was my fault, that there was something wrong with me and I just wasn't good at relationships."

I couldn't believe the nerve of that girl, I got that they were both new to love and all but she really made me want to punch something. "That's terrible! Please tell me she's more sensible now!"

"Yeah, she's fine, Inna's living large in Russia now and we keep in touch. Turns out her uncle is an oligarch." Angelo shrugged.

"Interesting," I chuckled and gestured for him to go on. "How did you get out of it eventually?"

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