Chapter Sixty-Four: The Plant and The Sun.

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"... Cause I'm somebody's dolly, when a lover's near
But tend to crumble slowly when they disappear...
Cause he's not the problem.
The problem is you think you're only viable for love when someone makes you feel complete.
You're a diamond
Wish you could see you the way I see.
You can't blossom if you keep growing gardens out of weeds...."


Chapter Sixty-Four: The Plant and The Sun.

"Are you serious? You're actually going for it?" Susan asked me with a big grin just as I was about to go into the office Dr. Malachi said we'd use.

"Don't get weird, I'm not even sure yet..." I hushed her. "Hopefully, I don't take too long-"

"Take as much time as you need, we're not anywhere till you're done okay?" Annie assured me, touching my arm.

"Besides, some of the guys are waiting behind to just chill and stuff." Susan gestured vaguely over her shoulder. "There's ping pong and foosball know, so we won't be bored."

"That's very good." Dr. Malachi nodded, tapping a pen on the clipboard he was looking at before giving me a smile. He had put on a pair of round reading glasses which made him look a bit older. "Remember, if you'd rather join them than do this, that's also very alright."

Despite the nerves eating at me, I shook my head. "I already signed up for this so, might as well."

"See you soon." My friends waved and I shut the door.

The room was spacious, bright and there were a few potted plants in some corners which was actually good to know. The couch I sat on was definitely designed to make one sink into it and relax, but I could not for the life of me do that. Angelo's fidget ring made tiny chinky noises as I spun it over and over and over again...

"Miss Violet Adams, you said." Dr. Malachi said, lowering himself into the armchair across from mine while taking a few notes, before looking up at me, "Do you watch the news? There's a girl with the exact same name who's trying to sue the CEO of Feather Industries. That's all this town can talk about, it's cra- wait..."

I stiffened.
Oh come on, I'd thought everyone here knew I was on the news but just collectively decided not to bring it up, you know, to be nice.

"You won't happen to be that Violet Adams would you?" Dr. Malachi asked, blinking widened green eyes.

"You're not very good with faces are you?" I asked quietly.

"Oh my." He leaned back into his seat, watching me, "It's a good thing you came around then, do you wish to start our discussion from that point-?"

"No." I shook my head. "No. No I don't."

"Alright, we can talk about something else, what else is on your mind that troubles you?"

I looked up at him but immediately darted my eyes to my lap and my hands. "I don't know..."

"Ah." He nodded. "I understand, if you want to just sit and process, we can do that too. This is a safe space."

"Even if it takes the whole session?" I asked and giggled slightly when he pulled at his sweatshirt and playfully puffed out a breath.

"On second thought, would you like me to ask some questions to start a conversation since you don't know where to begin?" He asked, kindly.

I could work with that, "Yes please..." I nodded.

"Alright, Miss Violet, what do you feel like you struggle with the most, is it insecurity, sadness or anger?"

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