Fight me

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I rolled around in Jonathan's arms, attempting to fall back asleep. "Baby," he groaned out, "what are you doing?

"Sorry, woke up and couldn't fall back asleep," I pouted.

He grabbed his phone, pressing the middle button and wincing from the brightness. he read a text that I didn't care to read, cursing under his breath. "Shit, baby, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that we have training every Saturday."

I groaned, hiding under the covers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a star athlete and I love sports, but doing physical activity for nothing isn't exactly the 'ideal' way to spend your Saturday. "What time?" I mumbled against the comforter.

He yanked it off my head, pulling me closer to him before kissing my forehead. "Eight till twelve." He mumbled, hiding in the crook of my neck. I felt him smirk against my neck, placing a soft kiss on my mark.

"Baby, stop! It's still to sensitive." I whined.

"In a good way or a bad way?"

I glared at him, pushing him off of me as a chuckle made its way out of his mouth. I rolled out of bed, ignoring his yells to come back. I walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth before turning the shower on. It's 7:15 so I should have enough time. I quickly stripped, hopping into the shower.

It took me 23 minutes to shower. I walked back out to see Jonathan missing. I shrugged, attempting to dry my hair with a towel. I opened up my drawer, pulling out some sweats, boy short undies, and a white sports bra. I quickly got dressed, sliding on some socks and then my sexy Jordan's. "Baby?" I spun around to see Jonathan, holding a plate.

"Yeah, babe?"

He smiled, walking towards me and giving me a sweet kiss on my lips. "I brought you an egg sandwich." He shrugged, blushing softly.

"Awh, is my baby blushing?" I cooed, pinching his cheek. He rolled his eyed, slapping my hand away before handing me the sandwich.

I smiled at him, muttering a 'thank you'. He dragged me to the bed, setting me on his lap after he sat down. "I love you, baby girl." He whispered. I smiled, leaning back into him as I finished a bite of my sandwich.

"I love you too, handsome." He grinned, placing small kisses all over my neck and shoulders as I finished my sandwich.

"I'm training you today, princess. I won't go easy on your pretty ass," he growled softly into my ear.

"No need to, big boy." I smirked as a growl erupted from his chest, "I can handle myself."

He laughed roughly, slapping my ass as I stood, a small yelp escaping my mouth.

"Sure you can, princess." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, skipping down to the kitchen. I put my plate into the sink, rinsing it off. I felt Jonathan squeeze my ass as he walked by, opening the fridge and hand my a water before getting one for himself. "Training happens out back. My boys set everything up beforehand." He told me.

I nodded my head, leaning up to give him a small kiss before walking towards the back door. Jonathan took my hand in his before leading me outside. We walked hand in hand towards the quite large crowd of wolves, all greeting us politely as we approached. "Hello everyone. As most of you have heard, I have found my mate. This is Megan Sturgwhite, my queen, our Luna." He announced. Claps erupted from the crowd as I smiled politely. "Today I want everyone in groups of two, fight and whoever wins go find another winner. Pin the person, no actual damage. Anyone who disobeys will be punished." Everyone muttered agreements. "And you, m' lady, our mine."

"Let's do this, big boy," I growled out, getting in normal position. I've been training my brain whole life, and now it should be more adamant in my life because I am a white wolf. White wolfs were thought to be gone by the year 1600. As long as no one knows, I should be okay. I squatted down a little, adjusting my pants while watching him.

His face turned from amused to determined in a matter or three seconds. I closed my eyes for a brief moment to calm down before quickly opening to see him lunging for my legs. I quickly jumped, my foot hitting his face in the process. I turned around, watching Jonathan stand back up quickly, turning back around to face me with a burning expression on his perfect face. My eyes watched his left leg, automatically latching that area in as my target. Once he went to lunge again, I met him half way, diving to tackle his legs. He fell down, trying to stand back up. A took his leg in between mine, wrapping my arms around his neck before pulling my arms and legs closer together. He growled loudly, gripping and clawing at my hands. He quickly flipped us over, my back slamming against the ground causing a loud groan of pain to escape my mouth. I quickly balled myself up, feeling his arms wrap around my stomach to get a good grip. I slyly wrapped my arms around his neck, making sure I had a good grip before using all my strength, a struggled scream passed through my lips as I flipped him over with all my strength. I laid on top of him, my pinning completely counted, rolling over on my back while sweat ran down my face and pants leaving my mouth.

"Holy fucking shit, angel, where the fuck was that from?" He asked, standing up and pulling me with him, glancing around to see the wolves who had finished standing around in a circle. "That's fucking embarrassing," he muttered.

"My old best friend from early high school was a wrestler. He taught me a few things." I said, hugging his side.

"Fuck, well, go inside and take a shower of you want, I'm going to talk to the pack warriors them head inside, okay?" He whispered. I nodded. He leaned down before kissing my cheek softly. I jogged inside, going straight towards our room. I stripped down, sliding into the warm shower. I sighed as I cleaned myself, beginning to hum random songs.

I heard the bathroom door open, peeking out the curtain to see a very naked Jonathan. My eyes widened and a blush rose to my cheeks as he stepped in, pulling me to him and kissing me roughly. I felt his member poke my thigh, causing my cheeks to darken. "What, uh, what are you doing?" I mumbled.

"Taking a shower, you were taking to long, princess." He teased, sliding past me into the water. I watched him as he washed his hair and his body, my eyes practically bulging out of my head. I shook out of my amazed state, quickly hopping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my body and hair.

I walked into the room, grabbing some undergarments. I glanced around our room, grinning as I spotted a shirt of his. I quickly got dressed, hearing the shower turn off. I slid on some leggings too, sitting on his bed and turning the tv on. Jonathan walked out, a towel low on his hips. He began searching through his drawers, my eyes watching his back flex with each movement. He dropped his towel, my eyes widening even though I've already seen it. He's got a cute little butt! He slid on some compression shorts, turning around to greet me with a smirk.

He crawled on the bed, hovering on top of me before leaning down and kissing my lips roughly. "I like you in my clothes." He whispered, leaning back in. He pulled my bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling softly. A small gasp left my mouth, him them using that as an advantage to slide his tongue into my mouth, tangling it with his own. His dominance made him tower of mine. "I love you, baby girl," he groaned, kissing me one more time before laying beside me. "Do you wanna curl up and watch movies?" He whispered, pulling me closer to him.

I nodded and smiled, watching the tv as he picked up the remote and turned on a horror movie. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I stayed in his arms for a few hours, watching horror movie after horror movie.

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