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I woke up a little sore, but happy, refreshed, and very connected to Jonathan. I grinned and looked over to my Alpha. He's mouth was slightly open and he was snoring. A small smile was present on my lips as he stirred in his sleep, lazily throwing an arm over me. I lightly traced the curves of his biceps, leaning down to kiss his arm once. He slowly twirled a finger around one my loose pieces of hair, sighing in content.  "So beautiful," he mumbles. I tried standing up, groaning when he pushed me back down onto his bare chest. My naked body felt flushed and sweat was dried up on my pale skin. "Let's take a bath, baby, would you like that?" He asked, softly letting me out of his grasp and standing me to my feet. He leaned in, cupping my cheeks lightly, staring into my big blue eyes. His thumbs rubbed against my cheek bones as he leaned in, kissing my lips softly.

He walked towards the bathroom, leaving me in awe to his romantic domineer. "Princess?" He called softly, my cheeks flushing as I followed his footsteps into the bathroom. I watched his back as he adjusted the water, standing to his feet. The blush spread to my neck as I realized he was naked as well. "Ladies first," he smiled, helping me climb in the bath as he followed.

I grabbed Jonathan's hand to get out of the tub, a smile placed on my face from our small splash fight. Jonathan wraps a towel around my body, lightly pressing me against the wall. "You don't have to be so easy with me," I mumbled, ought hands intertwined and pressing against the wall. "I'm safe with you, I know that." That's all he needed before he pressed his plump lips firmly against mine, grabbing the back of my thighs to make me jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. I felt his manhood through our towels, my cheeks flushing once again.  His lips left mine and found its way to the mark he left from the night before from our claiming, softly caressing it with his tongue. The sensitivity of the bite was driving me crazy, my hands tangling in what hair he has.

He pulled away, setting his forehead against mine. "I love you."

"I love you so much more," I finalized, caressing the curves of his cheeks.

"Very unlikely." He grinned, his eyes black from lust. He walked me into our bedroom, lightly dropping me on the bed.

Jonathan started heading upstairs. I shrieked when he threw me on the bed. "I'm sorry!"  He grinned getting on top of me. "You lied sweetheart. I love you more! Do you agree, last chance?" He said questionably. "I disagree, I love you more." I said biting my lip. "Wrong answer!" He said smiling. He leaned in and was about to kiss me, but started biting my lip. I groaned and tried to push his head towards mine, but he pinned my arms behind my head. He started biting my lip again and I groaned. He pulled away and smirked "do I love you more?" He asked questionably. "No I love you more." I said confident. "Mmhm what should your punishment be?" He said smirking. "Let me go?" I said and he chuckled. "Mmm how 'bout no." He said before leaning in and kissing me. I kissed back. He started putting his hands up my shirt till about midway than, he started tickling me. I pulled away and laughed so hard. "I'm so-sorry!!!! HAHAHAHA PLEASE S-STOP!!!!" I screamed. He said "do I love you more?'' He said amused. "N-no we love each other e-equally!!!" I screamed hoping he'd stop. He smiled "I'll take that babe." He said pecking my lips. He got off me and laid beside me.  He looked me straight in the eyes, tucked my hair behind my ear, looked at my lips then to my eyes over and over again driving me crazy, and he started biting his lips while doing so. He was driving me insane. He slowly, to slowly for my liking, leaned in and kissed me. Finally. I closed my eyes and kissed back. I pulled away and set my forehead on his. "Babe, you drive me insane." I said smiling. He deeply chuckled "I know baby. That's the point." He said winking. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Hey where are you going?" He asked possessively. ''To see my sister." I said rolling my eyes. "Ok, be back soon babe. It's getting late." He said. "Ok love you!" I said opening the door. "Love you too." He said grinning.

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