002 Intruder

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"You can run, but you can't hide!"

I heard a deep voice say

"I don't think she's here, boss," a new voice spoke

"She has to be here! I saw her run in this direction!"

I tried to stay quiet, but it was difficult.
I was out of breath, but I tried to breathe as quietly as possible.

I was in a very uncomfortable position.

This tree isn't the perfect tree to climb, but I had no choice.

"Who is he, and how does he know my name?"

"What does he want with me?"

"What is going on!?"

A million thoughts were running through my mind.

I pulled myself out of these thoughts when I noticed it was oddly quiet.
I looked through the leaves. He wasn't there. I looked around to be sure, and there was no one there.

I slowly climbed down and looked around again to make sure they weren't waiting for me around the corner.

"Finally," I sighed and took a few deep breaths.

I looked around and realized I was too deep in the woods and didn't know which way the exit was.

Shit, the sun is already gone.

I kept walking for, I don't know how long, so I decided to take a break.

I leaned against a big tree, but it made a weird metallic sound.
I knocked on it lightly. It was hollow.

I looked at the tree closely, and I noticed a weird branch.

Being the curious person I am, I pulled it, and the tree stump opened up.

"Woah," I gasped.

It looks like it's an elevator.

"It's too dark and too cold to walk back, maybe I can hide here...?"
"It might be dangerous, but it could also be a bunker..."

"Ah fuck it! That crazy stalker could still be here!"

I softly said to myself and walked into the elevator.

The doors closed and it brought me down. Before the doors opened, a weird red light appeared and it looked like it was scanning me from up to down.

"Face ID unrecognizable." A robot voice said

A loud alarm started playing




The elevator doors slowly opened and a white light almost blinded me. I put my hands over my face and slowly tried to adjust to the light.

There were people surrounding the elevator doors. They were aiming at me with weapons.

A boy with diry blond hair was in front, holding a bow and an arrow at my face.

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