016: Stage One: Denial

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"Good luck on your test today!" I yelled to Ty as he got on the bus.

Wednesdays are always the shortest school days with only a few classes, so after they're done, i was thinking of going to the den

Diane dropped me off in the school's parking lot, and as i was about to go inside, i heard a voice i hoped to never hear again.

"Hello princess..." My body filled with anxiety as i looked up at him

His black eye made him look even scarier.

He was two years older than me, even though he looked my age

"Leave me alone... " I said with my shaky voice

"Why would i do that? Everything is almost ready for the ritual..." He took a step closer to me

"What do you mean?" I stepped back

"You'll find out soon enough." He turned to leave when he saw Holly coming in our direction.

"Looks like your human friend is here. I better go. We don't want her to find out that her best friend is a liar and leading a double life."

"Stay away from her!" I raised my voice at him.

"Oh, no, I don't need her. She isn't the one with the power."

"Oh, and by the way, thanks for releasing my friend. We really appreciate it." He said as he walked away.

"Hey, wasn't that guy the one who you said was stalking you?" Holly came up to me.

"Hey, earth to Aster." She waved her hand in my face, but i was frozen from the fear

"What's going on?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, i'm fine," I answered without moving a muscle

"No, you don't look fine! What's going on? Who is that guy? Is he really some stalker? Should I call the police then!"

"No! Everything is fine! Um... Turns out that... That our parents are just old friends... And... And that he... He just moved here!" I lied, trying to shake off the fear.
But i don't think that Holly believed my story for a second.
"Give me your phone for a sec." Holly demanded

"Okay, why?" I said, reaching for my phone

"You'll see." She answered as she took it from my hand, i trusted her but was very confused.
She put the phone to her ear and waited a few rings.

"Yeah, do you need something? I just finished my math test, and i think it went okay." I heard Ty's voice on the phone

"Hi, this is Holly, Aster's friend."

"Yeah, hi, what's up? Why do you have Aster's phone? Is she okay?!"

"Yeah, well, not really..."

"What happened?" I could hear Ty's worried voice

"Just a quick question... There was this guy talking to Aster just now, and it scared the heck out of her, do you know what's going on because she said that he followed her a few times but apparently her parents knew his parents, i just thought that you'd know something about it. "

"Okay, hold on, i'll be there as fast as i can!" He said and hung up

"Why did you do that?"

"Look, i don't know what's going on, but i'm worried because you've been very off lately. It's completely fine if you aren't going to tell me what's going on, but i'm guessing that Ty knows what's going on. You can tell me at your own pace what's up or don't. I just want you to be okay." Holly hugged me as we waited outside for Ty

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