007 You're Nobody Till Somebody Wants You Dead

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(Please ignore the song)

I woke up in a strange room. It didn't look like a hospital room, and it also wasn't the guest room in the den.

The walls were blue and orange, with posters up on the walls with cheesy quotes on them, like "Don't give up!" or "Reach for the stars!"

There was no one here.

"Shit, where's dust?!"

"Ty!?" I yelled.

No one answered.


No answer.

I tried to get out of bed slowly. My leg was hurting really badly but I managed to get to the door.

I opened the door and walked out into the hallway. My head was hurting just as much as my leg.

"Hello!?" I yelled.
I heard voices down the hallway.


"Dust, you are not going alone!"

I heard a girl's voice. It was probably Peach.

"Yes, I am! It's my fault that she's injured! I shouldn't have stayed behind to try to capture that guy! It's my job to protect her and I failed once, and if I don't do anything fast, he might get to her again!"

A familiar voice said.

"And how will you find him!?" The girl spoke again.

"I have one of Bite's Crew members now, I'll get him talking somehow!" Ty's voice sounded closer. He walked out of the room and slammed the door and the noise startled me, and I jumped back and almost tripped over a sleeping bag that was by the door.

"Aster!" Ty said and ran up to me.

"You're awake!" He said and hugged me.

"Where am I?" Is all I said.

"You're at my house."

"What happened?" I tried to remember but my head was hurting badly.

"What do you remember?" He said and led me back to the room I was in.

"You were showing me the castle and then I saw a wolf..." I tried again to remember but it was blank.

I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"We were walking back from my house after dinner, when Bite and his crew attacked. I told you to run while I stayed behind..." He said with a sad smile.

"And then I heard you scream... When I got to you, you were on the ground, your leg was bleeding and you hit your head on a rock when you fell..." He explained...

"Well, that explains why my head feels like it's pulsing," I sighed.

"How long have I been asleep for?" I asked.

"Since that happened, it's Sunday evening now..." He said.

"Shouldn't I be in a hospital or something?"

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