014 Dead Ends

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"Mm, better luck next time!" The man said.

"You don't get one of the big prizes but since you almost won, you can choose two of these keychains." He motioned at a box filled with keychains.

Ty put his hand in the bowl and picked up two keychains, one with an arrow on it and one with a chocolate bar on it and we walked away.

"Here." He gave me the arrow one.

"I want you to have it." He smiled.


"So how was everyone's day today?" Diane asked at dinner.

"Oh, right. We finally know where Bite is, and we're going there tomorrow." Peach said.

"That's great news." Liam said.

"Yeah, now we can finally put an end to this nightmare." Ty said quietly.

"And then spring break is over." Peach continued.

I mumbled and froze.


"What is it?" Ty asked

"I just realized, i have school too..."

"Oh, that's right, um you've been absent the whole last week, right?" Diane said.

"Yeah, i told the school that i was sick, and my parents are on a work trip, they usually leave for 1-2 months twice a year, but they know i can take care of myself but i usually stay with my friend." I explained.


"Wow, this room looks amazing." I walked into one of the guest rooms and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, sorry it took so long for the room to be ready." Ty stood in front of me.

"It's okay, your room is nice too."

"Even with all those cheesy inspirational quotes everywhere?" He laughed.


"Okay i know they're cheesy but they're a pretty good reminder too, you know." He spoke

"I know... When i was being chased that day and couldn't transform, they popped up in my mind and reminded me to not give up." I admitted.

When Ty left the room, i got ready to go to sleep but i just couldn't fall asleep, so i laid there with my eyes open.

After a while i heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, do you need anything else? An extra blanket or something?" Ty said as he opened the doors.

"No thanks, i'm good." I responded.

"You sure you're okay? It's almost 11 and i saw the light on in here."

"Yeah, no i'm good." I lied.

I was actually afraid to close my eyes and fall asleep.
I was afraid that i will have another nightmare and wake everyone up. I know that they understand why i'm having nightmares but i just don't want to be a burden to anyone even though they say i'm not, i feel like i am one.

"Alright then, night..." He turned around to leave.



I have no idea why i just said that but when i realized what i just said, he was already beside me.


"I think that this is the place he said he is." We approached an abandoned mall building.

"Okay, then let's go and get him!" Rust said as we walked in the building.

We searched the whole place but he wasn't here.

"Maybe he's out for lunch?" Rust said

"Or maybe, the guy lied." I said angrily

"Well let's just stick around here for a while, maybe he'll come?" Ty suggested

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Well then we will just have to search everywhere until we find him or until someone sees him."

About two hours passed and there was no sign of him.

The Acorn clan and the Sunfield clan are helping us look too.
Some other clans that are in the Misty forest are on the lookout as well.

We spent the whole weekend trying to find him but everywhere we looked, he wasn't there. He was spotted once but we lost him.


"And another dead end." I fell in a chair and sighed.

"Hey, don't worry, we'll find him before he uses the dagger because he knows that if he uses it, there's a chance that the dagger, won't do anything." Ty reminded me.

"What does the dagger do anyways? And what are my powers exactly?"

"Well no one knows for sure what powers you really have but there are old stories about it." He explained.

"And what happens if the dagger does something?" I asked him but he didn't answer for a moment.

"Don't worry about it." Was all he said.

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