012 Truth Or Dare

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When the meeting ended, Ty and i got back to his house and ate dinner. I kind of now live here again, since Ty is worried that i will be in danger if i stay somewhere else on my own.

Diane said that one of their guest rooms will be finished for using soon and that i can take it.

Ty has been sleeping right outside the doors. I of course told him that he can take back his room but he said no, of course. He's so stubborn...

"Hey, Aster," Peach made me snap out of my thoughts.


"So one of my friends from school is having a party tommorow night, do you want to come?"

"Um, maybe."

"You should go." Ty suggested.

"Yeah, and you're coming with me." I said.

"Well i don't really go to much parties but obviously i'm coming with you." He smiled.

"understandable." I laughed


Ty's POV:

"So one of my friends from school is having a party tommorow night, do you want to come?" Peach offered Aster.

"Um, maybe."

"You should go." I said to her

"Yeah, and you're coming with me." She said.

"Well i don't really go to much parties but obviously i'm coming with you." I responded.

We finished eating dinner and Aster went to sleep.

I fell asleep an hour later but i was woken up at 1 am by Aster screaming.

This is the 3rd night in a row that i wake up to her screaming and talking in her sleep.

She was always saying stuff like
"Let me go!" or "Ty, please don't let him take me!"

I quietly opened the doors and walked up to the bed and took her hand.

"Shhh, you're okay." I quietly said.

"It's fine, shhh."

"He can't get to you. You're safe. I'm not going to let him take you. I promise."

When she calmed down, i went back to sleep.

I can only hope that he doesn't take her...

I can't imagine how traumatic it must be when your life is turned upside-down when some random guy runs after you and you don't even know why...

I'm going to do everything i can to protect her, she has become my best friend and i've never had real best friends before, so i'm glad that she came into my life.


"Morning Ty." Peach said.

It was already 9 and it was march 13th, the first day of spring break but my mom and dad still had to go to work, so they weren't here.

"Is Aster still sleeping?" She asked.

"Nope, i'm right here." Aster walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Peach, across from me.

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