Chapter 17

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I step into Ethans office , when he looks at me with his stone cold eyes I realise that I did not knock and step back out , he covers his face with his hand.

" come in " he sighs, " I don't recall telling you to get out but if you have the energy to play games in the morning its on you " he says calmly , I can't tell if he is being real or if he is trying to pull his stunts .

" what is in your hands ?" he asks .

" oh , I made you breakfast and since you weren't home Sarah asked me to give it to you " I lie because I know its the only way he'll accept it .

" put it over there " he points at his cupboard behind his desk "

I do as he says and stand in front of his desk waiting for my tasks for the day .

" you can go , I will call you when I need you " he says , without hesitation I leave his office , breathing out slowly , what is happening ?, even when theres nothing to do Ethan makes certain that he finds something to keep me busy.

I rush to my office aka storeroom and quickly pull out my phone , the first person that comes to mind is Austin , I am anxious because I don't know what to think , I am used to predicting Ethan's behaviour but this time around I am unable to tell what he is really up to , the phone doesn't ring for longer than 3 seconds before he picks up .

" I knew you'd miss me " he says , I can hear him smiling from the other end of the phone .

" Austin I need your help , you have to help me this was all your idea after all , Ethan and Sarah are both acting weird in their own way , first sarah lied to Ethan about her job and secondly Ethan is being nice and thirdly Sarah scares the heck out of me , something about her is just not right , she gives me murderer vibes , what if she kills me to seal her revenge , I think her and Ethan are planning something against me , how is it that Ethan spoke calmly to me today , I am letting you know so that you can testify against them at my murder trial , please tell my sister I love her and tell my dad that I wish to be her daughter in the afterlife and I promise I will be a better one and ....."

he laughs loud enough for everyone around him to hear ,"I just ...." he laughs even louder , I can tell by his tone that tears are streaming down his eyes, " shut up its not funny " I mute the phone as I also start laughing at myself .

" just give me a moment to recover , oh my God " he remains silent for a second , " okay you were saying ? "

" never mind I doubt I will get solid advice from you "

" ouch that hurt , relax okay , nothing of that sort will happen , Ethan doesn't seem like the murdering type " .

" nor did you see him as the abusive type but here we are and what about Sarah ?, We don't know about her much now do we? "

" than don't worry if something like that happens I'll be sure to get you justice " he sounds determined .

" and if you don't ?" , I'm curling my hand around my finger the moment I realize I straighten up and clear my throat .

" I will , trust me I always keep my word and when it comes to you there's nothing I won't do to make sure I fulfill my promise " his voice softens.

" uhm listen , I need to go I'll see you when you get back bye " I quickly hung up , if I'm not careful Austin will get me in trouble with his sweet believable words , vulnerable people are the most gullible , he might be playing that card as well so I don't want to take any chances , I am a married woman .

he calls me back again , I ignore the first two calls , for some reason something convinces me to pick up the third one , " hello "

" why would you call me and then hang up ?"

" my network was a bit weak " .

" as if , you said something about Sarah , what was it again? she is faking who she is ?" he asks .

" yep "

" I saw that one coming , don't involve yourself , Ethan will eventually find out , at least this time it will be on them so whatever you do don't get involved " .

" that was actually my plan , I don't intend on getting between ..... hey I have a question , from your perspective do you think they will last ?"

" honestly , I don't know, it depends - what was his reaction when he saw her ?"

" he cried".

" That's new , honestly I give them a minimum of 3 years "

" Actually I was thinking four but I definitely see the three .... Oh I forgot to tell you , thank you for what you have done you literally saved my life , he was about to beat me the other night and thank God for Sarah's impatience she walked in at the right time , I wonder what would've become of me if he'd actually laid his hand on me ,I was scared for a second "

" Can't say I'm surprised but thank goodness nothing happened to you , in other words you are saying my plan seems to be working ?" He asks .

" So far yes , I mean I got saved from being punched and Ethan acted human towards me just now ,I just hope my fear is nothing more than just that ,I know his acting mode and he did not seem that way so I don't know ".

"I told you the only thing that can make him human again is the 'love of his life ' , but I don't accept your thank you , a favour for a favour , we are living in a world of fifty fifty so you are going to have to do a little more than a thank you "

" what favour can I possibly do for you ?"

" you know " I can hear his smirk through the phone.

" Austin I am a married woman I can not go around doing things with other man that I shouldn't be doing, because of the favour you have done for me you and I can only be friends nothing more than that " .

" you are married on paper not in reality but if thats how you want things to be then I am fine with it as long as we are not enemies , I can accept the friendship hand but that's not where I was going with this, I was going to ask for something else but never mind I doubt you'll be open to it but you need to pay me either way so how about you come up with a plan to return my favour then ?"

my mind jumps to my dad's Dalfi , " you could come along with me and my family to Maui " I offer him .

" great I am there , " he jumps

" its 8 weeks away from now do you think you'll be back by then,when are you coming back anyways I thought you left for a signature why are you still over there? "

" We've had a major hacking problem and clients private documents are getting released so I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, Daniel already has a lot in his hands so I can't jump and leave him now but I'll be back before your dad's dalfi ... What's a dalfi ?".

I smile ," I'll tell you some other time " .

"Okay , I have to say it sounds weird though".

" Well, it isn't,just a family tradition that my forefathers came up with " I explain.

I'm worried about how I'll introduce him to my family , I really owe him for what he has done for me ,I doubt I would've even been able to find her , so I'm grateful to him.

"Really?, you'll tell me all about it when we meet , either way how has it been for you , what else has been going on ?

We go on talking as I explain to him what they've been doing since they got back together , the music , the nakedness and everything else concerning them. It's somewhat comforting having someone I can talk to about this as if it's a normal thing.

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