Chapter 34

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Kam and I skipped the subway meal and headed straight to the house ,after seeing Priyanka all the hunger I had just disappeared , Kayden on the other hand wouldn't stop teasing me about my former plans of suing her .

we arrive at the beach house it is exactly 4pm, the house it is an average double storey house, I guess Dad rented this one because of how many we are , last year we rented a mansion because we added up to a total of 21, all my dads cousin and their cousins were there, I sincerely doubt that this year' will be as fun as last years but to be honest I prefer it this way , private , intimate and peaceful.

" wow this  place sure is beautiful" he comments.

" I know right " .

he opens the door for me and ushers me in , the house is overdecorated I can't see my feet because they are covered with blue and white balloons and the roof is  filled with them as well .

" they really went all out didn't they ?, he asks looking around .

" and I am sure it was all Rita "

" where is this Rita character I really want to see if her reputation precedes her ".

"Oh It does  , Dad !Caitlyn !" I shout .

" coming"  Caitlyn responds from upstairs .

Aunt Rita is the first to emerge from the stairs , she is wearing a tight white mini dress to no ones surprise and a red wig .

" I am guessing thats Rita " he whispers at the corner of his lip.

" yep " 

her face lights up when she sees me before she can open her mouth to greet me her eyes land on Austin.

" is this the young man you injured ?"  .

" please do not mind her she can be so silly at times , hi , my name is Rita " she extends her hand out to him pouting.

everyone standing behind her is giggling  .

" evening , I am Austin  " he shakes her hand .

" Ritstin  !, beautiful name isn't it, its almost as if you and I are meant to be  "
Kam doesn't seem uncomfortable if anything he finds it amusing.

" ahh yes I believe so too " he winks at her making her cheeks turn red .

" so what are your plans for tonight ?, I have a bed that has your name printed on it ?" she makes what I think is supposed to be a seductive face .

" oh Rita leave the poor boy alone " Stephany steps forward to introduce herself , " Hi I am Stephany, nice to meet you Austin, we are glad you could join us " she shakes his hand .

" nice to meet you too mam " he changes his conduct toward Aunt stephany .

" just Stephany will do " 

" just Stephany you are interrupting a beautiful loves story's first encounter here" Rita shuts her up.

" I am sure this young man already has a lady , would you give him a break , you will end up chasing him away " .

" oh hi baby " she turns to me and gives me a warm hug , " hey aunt "

" how have you been ?".

" good , good and you?"

" Same ol same old, kiddo " .

" Beautiful coat by the way ".

" You are only saying that because you bought it for me " she laughs.

Technically it was Ethan but I always take the credit , he didn't want to seem too obvious by not giving her anything for her 45th birthday , he also got her a designer necklace that she still refuses to wear because 'it is too expensive and she might get mugged ' , so she places it as a museum piece in her house .

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