Chapter 37

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Our flight finally lands in oakville at 6pm .... I am just glad I managed to avoid Kam the entire morning until we got to the airport , he kept on attempting to talk to me but I was fortunate each time to have someone disturb.

I only hugged him goodbye after Caitlyn did just so my dad wouldn't get suspicious , Ashely on the other hand didn't mention anything to me she just continued to keep up with her overly welcoming attitude .

I am going to see all of them this week for mine and Ethan's anniversary so goodbyes weren't as sad as they usually are .

Caitlyn folds her legs clearing her throat, " so , are you going to tell me or  am I going to have to drag it out of you ?".

" what ?" I act clueless.

" you and Kam made out last night and I could tell by the way you kept avoiding him that you remember so don't  try to act dumb ".

" You saw us? " I gasp loudly .

" no of course not , Austin told me , I saw him carrying you to your bedroom last night on my way to the bathroom so I stopped him , he looked like a confused puppy trying to find his way back home ,after laying you to bed we went outside to talk , he told me about you guys kissing and how despite his very interest and desires he couldn't take advantage of you  because you were drunk that's why he took you straight to your room  , I saw the distress in that man's eyes he really loves you I doubt this is infatuation as you claim it is, why don't you just leave Ethan and try to see where your connection with Austin will go it is very obvious that you also like him " .

I sigh , " if mess was a person than  it would be me , yes sure I like Austin but him and I being together would be a total disaster, its not about what I feel for him or how he feels for me , its about whats at stake "

she smiles warmly ,"want to know what else he said ?"

I nod focused on the road ahead , "that he loves you enough to let you go , he said he will ask you out one last time and if you refuse he will back away respectfullly because his own emotions are what's draining the life out of him ,he was planing on asking you out this morning if the kiss meant anything to you and whatever answer you were going  to give he was going to honour it because he is a man of integrity afterall and you avoiding I think that gave him his answer, so I think from now on you can relax because I doubt he'll continue professing his love "," did I explain that well or should I start over ?" .

I huff ," no need I understand But if that's the case than that's great news, I have a lot going on right now , a situationship is the last thing I need" , I respond nonchalantly like none of that affects me , but it really does ,I pushed him away so I am not surprised , besides he deserves better it never would've worked out.

"Really ? , Wow okay, if you say so then ".

" onto exciting news , I am starting tomorrow as the official Price oil's CFO " I change the subject .

" embezzle as much money as you can for all the shit he put you through" she wipes away my smile .

" I will never do that I betrayed his trust once and the results proved to be very fatal , if I were to do something like that than you guys might just find me in a body bag " .

" true that , so is this year's anniversary going to be as big as last years ?" she asks .

" you know Ethan always does the planinng but from the looks of things it is "

" I am only looking forward to it because of the food , nothing else, he always manages to find the best catering crew " .

" yep , you and me both , I am so not looking forward to acting like the queen of the universe".

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