Chapter 40

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her voice echoes in my ears , " I want a divorce! " ,Her face as hot as a blazing furnace , in utter disgust she looks at me from head to toe .

She walks past me pushing me aside with her shoulder , every step she takes gets louder than the music .

Soon after she disappears from my sight Kayden comes out of my room  , " Where is Lauren ?",he looks like he is on a chase of a very dangerous criminal .

"She went that way " I point at my right ,I watch him as he runs to the opposite direction of which she went in .

'I wonder when this simp got so close to my wive but if he thinks he can take Lauren away from me then he has another thing coming ',I can't piece together when and how they got so close.

The scene I saw Sunday night keeps replaying in my mind , before I could switch to the news channel my laptop screen was on the surveillance footages, I watched my dear wife run into another man's arms affectionately hugging him from the back , they talked about something and he turned around to touch her lips with his .my stomach dropped. watching the woman I love in the embrace of another felt high school all over again.

Lauren has always and will always be my soulmate .

I smirk," as if I'd ever let Sarah touch even a strand of her hair ,she has no idea what she's on about " I shake my head lightly.

She thinks my heart belongs to Sarah but she knows very little , it belongs to her , it always has.

I fell in love with her ever since our beauty and the beast play , when we became friends I discovered that there was more to her than just her looks and her heart stealing smile , I loved her from her perfections to her flaws .

I remember how I'd spend every night and everyday yearning for her and everytime I'd ask her out she'd take it as a joke , I didn't want to lose our friendship or her by pushing too hard so I ended up throwing the towel but that meant I had to be her sidekick- watching her fall in and out of love with other multiple guys , listening to her tell me about how amazing they were , it got to a point where I tried imitating the guys she liked but none of that worked she never saw me as anything more than a friend . everyday she'd do something that would make me fall deeper and deeper and deeper to a point where I'd spend a day without eating anything or drinking anything or getting some sleep , today symptoms like that fall under the word depression.

I went on multiple dates with multiple girls but none of them made me want to forget Lauren instead they made me want her even more , but then she suggested I date Sarah , I only went for Sarah because she forced me , slowly but surely I started liking her , she was a great diversion from Lauren ,she was always clinging onto me and never giving me a moment to think about Lauren .

When my dad told me it was time for me to marry to be able to take over the family business , I knew Sarah was the perfect choice , and then the whole thing with Lauren's family happened , I wanted to help her so dearly but there was nothing I could do , I was also looking for a fresh start... away from her , away from my deadly emotions for her ,away from yearning for her , longing to hear her voice , I was tired of my uncontrollable feelings for her, for once I wanted to be selfish and think of my own happiness instead of always being concerned about hers  .

I stayed up  many nights trying to come up with the perfect strategy to get over her completely and finally it came to me '  get married and in less then a year boom become a father ' I would've eventually fallen in love with the mother of my children  and Lauren would've been nothing but an infatuation .

but then she went ahead and deprived me of the perfect escape , the perfect future I had planned to forget her by marrying me ,I envied how easy this was for her , she brought me back into that miserable and never ending cycle of desiring to be with her , that cycle I was finally getting out of .

Since I knew she'd never see me as anything more I knew I had to come up with something that would keep me from ,one: exposing my feelings ,2 :from crying even in my sleep and 3: from falling even deeper into the ocean , and that was to make her unhappy . Since her smile was the root for all of this .

I was mad at her but not because she seperated me from Sarah , I was mad at her because of my love for her , I ended up marrying the woman I always wanted to marry but it made me furious that she only used me as a pawn in her schemes not even once considering how her actions might affect me , I've always been considerate of her and the complete opposite was her case . selfishness is her number one flaw .

To keep myself from exploding I had to do the same , be selfish , 'take away her smile abuse her and belittle her every chance I get', I thought that if I saw her as beneath me somehow my love would disappear but no it has been five years now but nothing has changed.

that day I almost hit her at the office I was frustrated that despite my efforts and  all my attempts she still manages to invade my mind but then she brought Sarah back , I wasn't pleased at all but then again Sarah is the only one who had a way of making me momentarily forget about Lauren .

And then there was Hendry , I only beat him up because of the way he used to stare at Lauren at the events that we attended together and the comment he made to the guys about wanting to satisfy his desires with her ,and when he touched Sarah like that my mind went blank for a second I mistook her for Lauren, it has always been about Lauren ,when I feel like I've been too hard on her I always get nightmares of her leaving me , in my dreams I plead her to stay and that's usually when I start following her physically in my sleep.

when she went ahead and saved my reputation at that interview I couldn't have been more convinced that she is the one for me , despite everything I did to her she saved me .I now want to do everything it takes to be her husband.

I made up my mind that day of the interview that I will subtly make her fall in love with me and Sarah will be just another blur in the picture , but it seems I was too late , the four eyes has somehow woed my wife and I'm still confused about the how and when but I will find out.

I didn't get mad at Sarah for her little stunt because I could care less about anything she does and doesn't do .

"Kam my foot !" ,When did she even come up with that name ? I could see it through her eyes that she was lying when she said that's what some teacher used to call him ,if I was able to seperate them for a week by interfering with the network then I can seperate them forever , him and Sarah are nothing but the supporting cast , the main characters always win , its easy for me because I'm not in love with Sarah but it might prove difficult to separate them since their relationship is of love But no worries I will figure something out .

" till death do us part my dear wife, till death do us part " .

If I have to kidnap you so we can be together in an island then that is exactly what I'll do.

Part 2 coming end of Nov.

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