Chapter 26

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I walk into Ethan's office and find him standing by the window looking at the view of the city .

typical me forget to knock , its almost like I am trying to force Ethan to be mad at me , I stealthly try to walk back ," don't even bother ,you are already in " he says .

I pause ," oh , I uhh wanted to thank you , Miranda told me you are also freeing me from the cleaning job".

" no worries , its only fair , we can not have our CFO doing other unnecessary chores which might derail your focus " he says still staring at the city with folded arms.

he looks just like those guys on the magazine covers with the filtered lighting and makeup ,I see him everyday but his handsomeness never gets old to me , everyday its like I am seeing him for the first time and now that he is starting to be nice to me makes him look more beautiful that it makes my heart pound faster.

I am afraid that this happiness might be short lived and at the same time I am excited for the hope and future that lies ahead , " thanks anyways " .

" sure " he responds , I want to ask him what is on his mind but I don't want to jinx it like the other night and have him put me back in my place and remind me we are not back to being best friends .

" and I asked Munnie to hand you the keys to office 777 , you can start moving your things in today , you can ask Raymond the guard to help you ".

I cover my mouth surpressing my excitement ,office 777 is the office right next to his like we always talked about in high school, its as big as his and luckily for me its is not made of glass like Ethan's ,so at least I'll have my privacy .

I want to run to him and hug him but I compose myself , " wow , I don't know what to say , thanks I......"

" its fine you don't have to mention it , you deserve it " ... his voice lingers for a moment and finally looks at me, " I am the one grateful , Lauren I really do want us to start afresh and since the three of us are living under one roof I want to make certain that if we are to do this thing then there must be peace between all of us , I will try my best to make sure that you are content and at peace and the same applies to Sarah , I know she is a little mad right now but I know the two of you will get along soon enough , I even arranged for us to go out tonight for dinner , I made reservations at MyRas , I booked the entire resturant to avoid any more scandals I want us to address this whole thing properly to make sure we know where we stand " .

" oh I see , great, what time?"

" 7 pm sharp ".

" oh okay , I will be there .... I will start packing in my office then , I... will see you around " , he simply nods okay as I make my exit .

I head straight to my old office/storeroom elated, closing the door behind me I quickly pull up my phone to call Austin .

" Hey KAM " I greet him,

" KAM? , Somebody is in a good mood" .

" yes and thats all thanks to you , where have you been all my life , I could've skipped five years of misery had you have shown up earlier " , I hear him laugh wistfully on the other end .

" thank you so much Austin , I mean KAM ,it's suits you better, I really owe it all to you , if you were here right now I'd give you a big big big hug but no worries I'll save it for you ,you will surely get it on friday , you are still coming right ?" .

" of course I wouldn't miss it for a billion Euros".

" as if , I can guarantee that even Ethan would leave Sarah for a  billion euros ".

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