Chapter 28

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 its friday afternoon and I am already  packing for the trip .

after I am done here I am going to pass by Caitlyn's place to get her ,our flight leaves at 8pm so I still have a lot of time left but I just want to get out of the house as soon as possible  , trying to dodge someone you live with under same roof with is very exhausting, at first it was Ethan and now it's  Sarah ,I do not know for how much longer I can keep this up.

I can feel someone's presence staring at me at my door way fearing that it might be Sarah I slowly turn , " leaving so early ?" he asks .

"oh its you , yes , my dad asked me to get some stuff before we take off , I am just trying to make sure that I am not late ".

these past two days things have been pretty normal for us , yesterday he invited me to come and have lunch with him in his office but we talked about the basic work stuff , and well of course his queen ,the next time I hear her name from Ethan's mouth my ears might bleed to death ,before I would get annoyed but now it hurts , hearing my husband talk about someone he loves  makes me wish he'd talk like that about me , there was a moment where he talked about how strange love is and all I did was stare at him scolding myself for the feelings I have for him and they seem to be getting worse the more normal he acts towards me .

I want to be as cheerful to him but a part of me is still holding on to that pain and trauma I experienced that sometimes I fear I might be in a coma and in a dream , but each time I see the genuineness in him I realise just how real this is , my friend is slowly but surely coming back..

" I see well in that case can I help you pack ?" he asks to my surprise .

" yes  that would be much appreciated " I respond .

he steps into my room and stands next to me , he's wearing his favourite cologne today which is very , very enticing , sometimes I have this theorie that the people who make these perfumes put some sort of spells in them , the effects some colognes have on us are not normal , imagine wanting to be in someones arms forever just because of a cologne .

" I know I am not Caitlyn's favourite right now but please send my greetings to her and your father as well ,and that stubborn Aunt of yours and the one that always gloats about things she doesn't have , what's her name again ?" .

I laugh ," ah yes ,Rita " he also joins me .

" is she still single ? " he squints his eye.

I nod ," very much "

" yeah no man can put up with her , I remember she once tried to hit on me saying that age is nothing but a number and something about how her influence would take my business to new heights, she is almost my dad's age which makes her basically my mother ".

" I remember that too , I bet if she sees how you look now  she will make certain that she proposes with an actual ring " I tease .

" I am married to her niece already I doubt she'd do that " he says still laughing, upon realizing what he just said he stops and we fall into an awkward silence .

to be honest things aren't that normal between us , moments like these occur 60 percent through out a day ,I feel like until we sit down and be sincere with one and another we won't really get anywhere , and a big part of me wants to hear him say ' I am sorry ' which is something I doubt will ever come out of his mouth since everything is on me .

" who else is going to be there ?" he tries to patch the air .

" Ashley , and Rita's son Betty Collen and my Dad's friend"I lie casually , KAM is the one I am referring to as my Dad's friend ," most of my family members won't be able to make it because ' they are just too busy this year' they claim " .

" just like I am ?" 

I pause .

" I really wanted to go this year to make up for lost time but you had already made up an excuse to your dad , I guess next year will do then "

" yep " I respond optimistically avoiding his gaze as I continue packing .

" I also put the keys to your walking closet at the counter , you can have it , they are your clothes afterall , I bought them for you , there's no use in me holding onto them and you can wear them however and whenever you like ".

" great thanks a lot ".

he starts helping me to fold the clothes and stuff them into the bag , "actually the reason I came was to remind you that our anniversary is coming this following week, I thought that this year we should just host it at the house ,what do you think ?" he asks .

" you are asking for my opinion ?" 

" I don't think I stuttered , can we try to make this situation seem normal ?, you and I are married after all it is only right for me to ask you".

" I am sorry , I am still trying to adjust to the changes but .YES. of course lets host it here , did you speak to Sarah?"

" yes , she already has plans , she will be away for a doctor's board what-what for the weekend so she won't be a problem "

" great , so do I get to choose my dress this time or will you?".

" I already have a dress made for you and I am sure you will love it maybe next time ... actually no , I will always pick your dresses because I know what looks good on you and I can't have you staining my image by allowing you to choose rags "

" noted " . we both laugh looking into each others eyes like in the movies when the music starts  playing and their laughters is played in slow motion , the warmth in his eyes warms my heart , Ethan has this effect on me that despite the odds I want to be by his side either as his friend or his enemy , crazy right ?. I know .

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