You Don't Have To Wait For Me

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A/N: This is the end of the story... I'm so sorry if this took too long!

As the swarm of Akuma comes closer in the Order, Allen stood on the top roof and he seemed to utter an incantation to delay their entrance. "Under the light of the moon sky, I utter a prayer in heaven, build me a rock to protect the heavens! Sleep, oh my dear, bright sun so that you may rest for this day so that when you return, you'd bring us forth your brand new enlightenment!"

The two Noahs beside Adam laughed at him. Nothing happened after he said the incantation for the time being, until Lenalee, Pope Joseph, Levelier, Lavi, Howard Link, Miranda Lotto, Crowley and Chaoji went outside the Order while all of the finders were in position already,

Lenalee can't stop praying that she doesn't want to witness Allen's own decision. If only he can think of something that could prevent him from suicide.

Then, with the help of Allen's renewed Innocence after merging with the Apocryphos and finally, the Noah and their army in position, Allen told Adam, "I won't let you have your own way anymore!"

Adam snickered, "Oh, then try and stop us!"

He quickly ordered the Akuma to attack the Order but with the help of the Exorcists, the finders and Pope Joseph, the lowest ranked Akuma were all destroyed a minute later.

Soon after that, fire and explosion began and the Science Division began their evacuation while few newly recruited exorcists helped protect them.

In Allen's condition, he was having a very much hard battle against Adam. "Nea will always be against you!" he told him.

"That's a lie!" screamed Adam but then, Allen felt strange inside. Nea seemed to be against him and he knew that he was right to ask Lavi to help him in his sacrifice. He will die for the sake of humanity, for the sake of good and not the bad.

He learned the bitter truth. If he doesn't have an innocence on, he had been overcome by Nea since he allowed his memories in his soul. He doesn't know if it was a mistake or not but he has to end everything now. Nea tried his best to free himself out but, Allen activated his Crown Clown and extended his suit to stick himself on the ground while swaying and waving his sword with one hand.

He knows that inside him, Nea kept screaming. "Let Me Fight Him!!!!"

He has a secret plan that he kept all by himself. The Heart of Innocence is truly powerful but, a dangerous weapon. He'll self destruct himself if Lavi would hesitate to kill him when he gets the chance to make Lavi come out and kill them both.

The two were both waving their swords vertically and when the swords clashed, there seemed like an electricity came out of it. "I'm not the Allen who once fought you inside the White Noah's Ark, Millenium Earl!"

The Earl is too irritated that he seemed to be not fighting the man he wanted to fight with and so, he gave all of his power in one horizantal swift of his sword making Allen bleed at his left waist.

It came as a surprise to him.

"Let Nea out, Allen!" shouted Adam.

Allen won't allow it and so, he quickly let loose of his sword, deactivating it while Nea shouted at the top of his lungs, "You can't win like this, Allen!"

Allen finally told him his plan, "I'm not planning to kill him, Nea. I'm planning to kill all three of us to end the war!"

Out in the field, Lenalee watched horribly at Allen's battle against the Earl while he is destroying Level two Akumas while the Marshalls were against one, Level 4 Akuma.

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