Questions and Answers

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A/n: Thank you for reading this fanfiction! I hope that you like it!

I quickly caught up with the two. They're just too fast. I was badly exhausted when I caught up with them. "Are you fine, Hikaru-kun?" Kaori asked me.

I nodded and smiled at her quickly. "Yes, I'm fine."

I know that I'm fine but I still can't forget what I saw when I was left alone inside the music room. Yes, in this school, the ability to use musical instruments was more of a priority than the academics. Since I'd been at this school, people keep telling me that I was lucky to be very close to a prodigy like Arima Kousei but actually, they do not know that both of us share a deep connection due to the darkness of our pasts.

Arima Kousei approached me when I was crying in the middle of the rain two years ago outside our school after I failed trying to catch someone who seemed very close to me. I was running and crying at the same time, shouting, 'Wait for me!' I tried to catch the green-haired woman whom I always see in my dreams but since I saw her years ago, I dropped and cried my hardest. I tried asking my parents about the girl and why does she seem important to me but... but my mom would never tell me! It was only him who had been with me at that point of my time. He comforted me at that time and he shared his sadness with me and that was when we became good friends. My train of thoughts was interrupted when Kousei finally told me, "Are you really fine?"

I smiled and reassured the two inside the classroom... Oh... We're here already... I didn't notice that until he spoke to me and he's sitting on his chair already. "Yes, I'm fine. English is our second class, right?"

Our English Teacher, Miss Kitazawa Yuno stepped up and smiled at us. Her purple hair flows down elegantly and she finally spoke to us, "We have a new student, today. She just transferred here."

Everyone looked up while I just stare out of the window of our room, staring at the trees and at the entrance hall of our school. I don't really care if we actually have a new student. My life is complete with me, just alone. Then, she finally bowed her head down and introduced herself, "Hi. I'm Ito Mia, I play the flute and Cello. I'm a Cello Major, though."

As she was introducing herself, I saw a shadow of a woman and someone with green hair at the entrance hall. I lost myself and I just ran out of the room to catch her again. I'm sure Kousei and everyone inside the room were shocked by my reaction that I just stepped out of the room so quickly while someone was introducing herself but I swear today, I'll get her. When I am finally at the entrance hall, I tried looking for her but I couldn't even see a trace of her. Was I just imagining things? Who is she?

I am badly waiting for you, whoever you are! Then, before I was about to collapse on my feet, the girl I was trying to find caught me and smiled at me.

Tears began falling down my eyes bitterly and she hugged me tight. "I'm sorry, Allen," she told me. "I made you wait for too long."

I was about to answer her and ask her name when suddenly, Miss Kitazawa appeared and shouted at us, "This is against the rules, Lenalee Lee. Don't you flirt on our students! You're a teacher here!"

I was shocked. She is a teacher?

I stared at her and I tried asking many questions but she had already read my face. "I'll answer your questions next time, ok?"

Then, suddenly, Ms. Kitazawa dragged me back inside the classroom to apologize to Ito Mia. I didn't know that I bumped into her and she fell from the platform. I stared back at her after bowing several times and when our eyes met each other, I suddenly felt strange. This was very rare for me. What... what is this feeling again? I guess I felt this way a long time ago.

Her eyes were bright brown and it captivated me. I also felt warm after seeing her eyes. It is very much different from my emotions when I finally saw the girl in my dreams. She smiled and told me, "I'm fine. I was just outbalanced. There's nothing major that you should be worried with."

I felt relieved but when I sat back on my seat, I saw Miyazono Kaori's and Arima Kousei's worried expressions. Last of all, since the entrance hall was just at the left side of our room, all of my classmates saw what happened between me and Lenalee or... should I address her, Lenalee-sensei?

I sat back down and stared at Ito Mia who sat in front of the class. It seems, she's able to get people, fast. Ms. Kitazawa began the class about verbs and since my father's an Englishman and I lived in the US in my childhood, I can actually speak English fluently already and I always yawn in English Class and fall asleep. After a few minutes, the class ended with me, just sleeping on my chair and it was a different teacher who woke me up.

I opened my eyes and scratched my eyes. When I looked up, it was the angry science teacher, Mr. Aizawa. "How come you always sleep in academics?" he was lecturing me all over again but his words slowly fade away again until I heard Kaori and Kousei stopping Mr. Aizawa. 

I felt Kousei touch my forehead and Kaori held our teacher to stop him from getting so angry at Kousei for holding me. I actually feel dizzy from our first class and I know that it's spring but I feel like it's already winter. I heard him tell our teacher, "He's got a fever!"

Our teacher was shocked and he was the one who held my forehead to confirm what he said to him. He knew that it was true and he finally asked the class, "Who'd bring him to the nurse?" 

Kousei was about to volunteer but I heard someone else say, "I'll bring him in!"

I lost consciousness and I didn't even see who volunteered to take me to a clinic.


A/N: I hope you liked the update!   

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