7 - The First Day

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"Haluu!" Bondita grinned broadly and then smacked her head. She was striving to be confident in her intro to the class but she was anxious.

"Silly girl... Sakha babu's silly girl. It's 'Hello' not 'Haluu'. If you can then you will initiate to pronounce 'Yellow' as 'ello'. Do you want to look buddhu like that day?", she squeezed her school bag's straps wandering through the corridor.

Today is her first day at London's School. It is going to be a whole new experience because most of the students will be British. She recalls the last time when she stepped into Siliguri school's Classroom, she enunciate certain words strangely, not so many students laughed but it was awkward.

She glanced at the watch on her wrist that he gave to her. Her Birristera Babu takes care of each and everything.
Hope his journey way back to India would be safe.

Strange right, it's her first day at school and it was her Sakhababu's last day before the separation. But as promised, she didn't cry after they bid adieu.

The Caretaker is a sweet lady. She helped her a lot to get prepared for the day and now she is in school in scout attire.

Bondita took mild steps outside the various classrooms, closer to hers.

"Hey you! Why are you roaming outside the class? You are two minutes late already" A man proximately around forty pissed off, he was a teacher.

"Good morning Sir! My name is Bondita Das. I am a newcomer." She said politely.

"Alright, Come inside" He uttered as he was informed about the new joiner already.

Taking mild steps as she entered the classroom, Bondita secretly wandered her eyes in the class. Magnificently decorated with a Large Green Board, Podium, Desks, benches, and gaudy educational charters on the walls. This school was quite exquisite to the schools she had studied in before.

Girls and boys were in approx equal ratio. And it seemed like she is the only Indian girl in this class.

Her classmates' stream murmuring with each other in vague voices. Maybe, about her.

"Students, you have a new co-mate in the class" The teacher informed the students while a nervous Bondita stood beside him. Sir glanced at her and commanded, "Say something about yourself to the class. Give your introduction, Bondeeta".

She shot her eyes up, glancing at a class full of English folks. The one to whom, back in India, Indians are asked to give respect. Now she is going to study with them, sitting beside them. She felt a little anxious.

"All are the same. We just have masked an artificial lens on eyes to distinguish between people. To compare this with that, them with it. Never claim oneself the superior or the looser at that time. The superior attitude will make you arrogant and the looser stance will make you a coward. Hold one thing firmly in your heart and that is-- Confidence.
Take a deep breath, Keep your spine straight, Make eye contact-- with your eyes which are filled with confidence and play a small smile on your lips. Then see how people treat you" Her Shikshak Babu's words played in her mind.

She left the straps of the bag and did what her conscience said, the conscience which was filled with her Guru's words.

"Thank you for the opportunity to talk," She said to Sir. "Hello Everyone! My name is Bondita Das. I come from Bengal, India. The Country of unity with diversity. I am 13 years old. My Guru is my pillar of strength. My favourite subject is political science. I love to read books and play games. My goal is to become a Barrister and serve my nation. Confidence and good communication skills are my strengths. That's all about me. Thank you very much" She described and gawked at everyone with a hopeful expression.

But downed her eyelashes which meet the floor with a vice that she spoke more than needed. In the assumption of being rejected, she rolled her eyes.

Nevertheless, she earned claps from the teacher and wide welcoming smiles from her new co-mates.

"Very Good Bondita! It feels really good to see an Indian girl in our class. Finally, people are realizing the value of education and equality" the Teacher exclaimed.

"Now go and sit beside co-mate you like to. And since you are a late joiner, so you have to compete with everyone. I expect your good performance in class. Okay!", he asserted to her.

She nodded and paced a little forth to find a seat. Clueless of the eyes staring at her.

Shyama, A spindly boy almost of her age. Raised his brow gawking at her. He pulled his bag on his thighs, which was resting beside his vacant seat as he hugged the bag. He downcasted his eyes indirectly gesturing to her. "Would you like to sit beside me?" He offered.

She turns to glance at the boy with specs.

"Girls should sit beside girls. I will give ye company in gossip as well Bondeeta. Now come on, sit beside me" Celicia said and held Bondita's arm pulling her towards her, at the desk behind Shyama's bench. With glee in her eyes, Bondita strolled and sat beside the British girl.

Furrowing, at Celicia's activity he jerked his bag at the vacant seat back. Bondita watched them bemused figuring out their quarrel as she settled next to Celicia.

"Okay enough now... Take out your workbooks. And Shyama" The teacher pissed off at him who had whirled his face to put a gaze on Bondita, on the next bench in his row.

"Y-yes sir" With a jerk he stood at his place.

"I am standing in front of you, not at your back. Focus on front" Sir yelled at him and received a faint sorry. The whole class giggled secretly.

Soon, the class began with the enthusiasm of having a new maiden betwixt. Threading with yarns of dedication Bondita centred her all focus on the lesson. Adapting the new routines.

Meanwhile, Shyama tried to look back occasionally but Celicia glared at him.

Penning down the notes from the board, Bondita recalled something from last night. Gazing at Shyama for a moment, she recalled that he was the same boy she saw last night, who was crying in the gloom of staying away from her mother. A smile reached her lips with admiration, realizing that he was that boy.

At the seaport. When the ship was lasting for the final lazy passengers to board, Anirudh took out his wallet. Peeking at the small photo of the amoretto in his life. He stood in the gallery of the ship as a sheer breeze hit him.

"I don't know why. But the thought of going back doesn't give me good vibes. Can you tell me what should I do? But, you are busy in your class... after all, it's your first day in school. Seems like your Sakhababu has become silly" He said to the picture, Chuckling at his own words.

To settle things in London, he pierced hearts in India. What would have happened there? And what will happen when he will reach there? Was making him anxious. The only thing he was feeling was restlessness-- of leaving her in London and of making her elope from KrishnaNagar.

He cupped the photo preciously close to his heart as a tear pickled from the edge of his eyes making its way to the depth in the sea.

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What will happen when Anirudh will reach India? What were those vibes he is feeling?

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