44 - You are Beautiful, Bondita

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The moon keeps its spots with itself while embellishing the world with its ever-shining beautiful light. It's famous for it light that moulds itself according to situations and still blazes with its grace. And you are my dear the shining and never-blowing light of my life. You are my moon.

You are not a disappointment,you are my pride

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You are not a disappointment,
you are my pride.


For a moment, it felt as if she was looking at someone else in the mirror.

It wasn't her!

Those lifeless, hollow, yellowish eyes, the dull face so dark, pale, and skinny, chapped lips. It-It wasn't her.

Anirudh sat beside her on the bed, concern etched on his face. Darkness consumed her eyes, her face grew sombre.

"Do I look... ugly?" Bondita whispered, her voice breaking, her eyes tearing up.

Anirudh frowned, shaking his head in denial.

"No, you don't," he replied firmly, taking the mirror from her trembling hand and gently cupping her face.

Her bottom lip wobbled, and she looked at him wide-eyed. "I am bad, SakhaBabu! I didn't live up to your expectations." She had promised him that she would be a better version of herself when they met again. But here she was, feeling inadequate and broken.

No! No! No!

"I disappointed you. I degraded myself."

His heart clenched at the sight of her.

"No Bondita! You didn't disappoint me. You could never disappoint me," he whispered, his voice filled with earnestness and love, his thumbs wiping away her tears.

Her body shook with sobs, and she buried her face in her hands, unable to bear her perceived shortcomings. "Oh Lord! I look so bad... so bad. This dull skin, swollen eyes, dark circles, paler and skinnier, chapped lips. I am so ugly. Why did I become so ugly and disappoint him?" she gasped for breath.

"Bondita! Look at me," Anirudh gently but firmly grasped her wrists, coaxing her to meet his gaze.

She shook violently, tightly hiding her face. "I can't," she pleaded.

She had decided to make her SakhaBabu happy, but she had only added to his burdens. And when they finally met after those painful twenty months, what had she shown him? Her broken bones, crying and complaining eyes, her horrible face?! She was so selfish!

Anirudh tried again, but she shook herself even more and yelled.

"NO! I can't... I can't... I can't."

"Listen to me."

"I can't--"

"SHUT UP!" He shouted over an octave voice. Her heart thudded, and she raised her swollen face from her palms, horrified.

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