11 - Nari To Maayer Jaat

358 58 14


"It's something else than we are thinking. The assumptions are not always correct. The truth can be wholly different from our reasoning", Bondita didn't say this only based on her intellect but because of the little variations she herself sensed here.

Perhaps she didn't mention this in a letter to her SakhaBabu. Perhaps she didn't say this to anyone.
Perhaps she didn't discuss this a lot but the truth is she felt it.

Being Indian, this was enough reason for Britishers to hold a grudge.

She recollects, excluding a few teachers many discriminate between students. She recalled that a week ago, a British girl who was her classmate and a competitor of hers, stuffed some unexpected magazines in her school bags. The teacher was a way angry with her. Bondita cried a lot that day. The Teacher warned her about this and asked her to call her guardian. At teary midnight she was about to call Anirudh but somehow stopped herself. The next day Shyama being a little feared revealed that he saw the girl putting those magazines in her bag and asked her to investigate the girl bag. They called the teacher and the truth was revealed.

"We need to check... I think" said Bondita.

"Fine! let's go" Celicia agreed.
Shyama with a heavy heart agreed too. She streams looking for the child who was crying joining up with her friends. They took part in varied corridors.

The school was mostly silent as many folks has left the school after the dispersal. Some students were playing games on the school ground whereas some were busy in the library. Teachers were involved in the staff room.

Bondita strolled to the labs, checking one by one but no one was there to be found.

Taking mild steps while rotating her head in different directions, unexpectedly her feet banged with someone near a cabinet. She glanced down with suspicion and gulped. She found a small boy sobbing pressing his knee up to his chest.

Gulping the boy looked up at her with feared eyes and then buried his face in his knees. His clothes ripped.

"What happened? Are you okay?" She slowly kneeled to him.

"Shyama! Celicia! Come here", Bondita screamed. But the boy started weeping even more. Shyama and Celicia rushed to the point, looking at the small boy.

Bondita gently tapped his head.
"We are not ghosts who will eat you" she asserted with a smile."Look here".

Shyama downed his head with pain in consciousness while Celicia rubbed his back gently securing him.

The boy slowly with a rheumy face lifted his head and looked at the three seniors around him with scared eyes.

"A-aren't you the people who will b-bully me?" He implored sputtering.

The three looked up at each other with confused yet astonished faces.

She shook her head in no. The boy seemed someone from south Asia.
"W-we are friends, not b-bully people", Celicia said while Shyama hold her hand in fear.

Bondita saw their joint hands with questioning eyes. And then saw the boy's condition. She took out her water bottle, getting him to sip some water. The boy denied it and threw the bottle on the floor. What if she has mixed something in it?

Bondita more than anger showed pity for him. He must be traumatized by something very bad. Bondita cupped his hand with her both hands slowly with his easiness.

"I am Bondita. I am from India" She proclaimed to his mercy. He started her with a hopeful expression.

"A-are you?" He asked.

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