47 - Silent expectations

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Destiny always shows us the moment 

we have least expected.

No, my parents never force me

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No, my parents never force me. 

But their silent expectation 

and my incompetency 

hurts me.


"It seems like she has dropped her brain somewhere and inherited Anurag's. See, she is talking like him" Celicia whispered to Shyama emphasizing each word.

"Yeah right, This Anurag had already dropped his brain somewhere. He is living without a brain. Brainless" Shyama couldn't help the relief he felt as Celicia roasted Anurag.

"Did I hear it right? Was I just called 'brainless'?" Anurag startled them from behind.

Celicia was quick to walk to the other side with thinned lips in embarrassment.

"Yes", Said Shyama curtly.

"Well, I must admit, I'm completely brainless when it comes to a certain type of girl... the kind who enjoys a little roasting," Anurag smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Celicia couldn't help but feel a playful heat rise to her cheeks as she flashed a coy smile, her lips curving into a shy yet suggestive grin.

"But in comparison to you... I have a  brain, Mr Shyamanand" His lips quicked cockily as he settled on the couch in the wardroom.

Bondita shook her head at them and glanced at Celicia who smiled and sat beside her, lovingly.

Someone sensible at least.

Celicia raised her hand, slowly tracing Bondita's bandage and caressing her cheek. Yesterday, she saw her best friend looking like an angel in that pretty dress and with a cute hairstyle. Celicia has noticed every emotion that Bondita shows, and Bondita has done the same for her.

It was Bondita who understood her feelings for Shyama, whatever she had. Over time, they've become very close despite the little communication barrier, never hiding their feelings. Celicia wasn't a scholar or a poetic person like Anurag. She was just herself, a normal girl with ordinary dreams. Making her hardworking parents proud was one of her dreams as she had witnessed how they never left a stone unturned on her path with a vision to make their only daughter successful in her career. She dreamed of getting married to a man she would fall in love with, and having his babies. She envisioned herself cooking lunch in the kitchen on a jolly Sunday while her husband caressed the plants in their garden and took care of them.

Her parents had a vision, and she did too. But too sad. Their destiny was muddled long ago.

With the sometimes silent, sometimes savage expectations of her parents, she felt that studying was no less than a burden. She was smart and intelligent, not academically, but in life. With her feet buried in poverty, her parents believed she could get them out of it... but they never knew it made her feel suffocated and anxious with the responsibility. She witnessed her mother working as a private nurse in people's houses, getting humiliated because she wasn't from a high-class family. She had once witnessed her father working day and night without a break in a factory, enduring abuse from the owner just to provide her with food and education.

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