Part 21. whoops

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Bucky pov
I get into the lounge because tony wanted us to meet his intern again. I was extremely happy about it. So I could make amends with her. I think her name was Ella. I sit down just as Tony and her walk in. I look at her very closely. She seems kinda pale. I think nothing of it until tony puts a hand on her shoulder. She flinched. Ella flinched. Some things not right I act like I saw nothing and walk up to her. 

"Hey umm I'm Bucky. And I'm sorry about you know yesterday. I thought you snuck in so in." I say hoping she will forgive me. I look up and find her smiling slightly. "No problem I'm Ella." She says holding out her hand. I shake it with my metal arm. Ah shit she will probley- I get cut off when she puts my arm closer to her. " Oh my god this is SO COOL. can you feel pressure or do you just feel the arm. Can you feel the arm. Can you..." she says but suddenly stops letting go of my arm. Looking down "sorry" she muttered. "Oh no it's fine it's nice having someone who isn't scared of it." I say re ashoring her. She Give a me a warm smile  " and yes I can feel everything it touches" I say sitting back down next to steve. Her smile grows as I walk away. I hear tony laugh.

Ella pov
Oh my god that was so embarrassing. Luckily he was fine with it. " Well now that thats over let's introduce you to everyone. Steve, Clint, Wanda, vision. You already know me and Nat." He says with a laugh. My face goes red." And bruce" he says. My eyes widen. "Bruce like Bruce banner Bruce!" I say looking behind me. To find Bruce fricken Banner. "Oh my god. I am a big fan. I have read all your books  understood most of the stuff. But your amazing." I say all at once. "Nice to meet you too Ella. Do you wanna go to lab with me and tony for a bit" he says i stand there in shock a lab you tony stark and Bruce banner. " Yes" I say too fast for my liking. "I mean um yea sure" "okay well come on. Your only here till 8" I follow after them a bounce in my step. This is going to be a really fun day. That is till my vision starts to blurr. I stop walking. Tony and Bruce do to. " Ella are you alright?!" Tony asks. I nod my head I walk toward and fall back and everything goes black I feel someone grab me before I touch the ground and call out my name

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