21 | 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬

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No, I should not.

Scratch what I thought previously.

After eating a Big Mac that guy turned into his cold emotional self. I may or may not have asked why his dad hated him so much which took him to explode and say " You have nothing to know about my life" and I may or may not have insisted in knowing. Which lead to an angry discussion when we arrived home of me behaving like an possible emotional support telling him that he could rely on me and tell his problems and him bursting out saying I wasn't his psychiatrist, which.. in my opinion... was very rude.

Fine, ok. I am not the calmest person on earth too, that's quite truth I am very impulsive even when I mean well. I may have said things louder and not in the best way possible, I came to notice he is very sensitive and I need to be careful on my words. However I tried my best for him to tell me what was going on but it just ended up in us shutting at each other and deciding to respect each other lives like in the contract which he made very clear tha I wasn't respecting, he also got very angry again with me for going to the lunch, thing I though we had been over with but that he accused me again making me apologize twice for the same mistake.

I think he was just changing the topic from his dad to me disrespecting the contract.

Doesn't really matter because in the next day he was fine, fine as in cold stupid machine. 

So here I am on another week of work, it passed two weeks since that weird family lunch and only 1060 days till I am single again. It doesn't feel like I am married at all just when I step out of the apartment to public events, besides that is like talking about someone who doesn't exist.

I get to work and my friends ask about my married life, even my workers are very interested in me and specially Blaze, about how he is, as a husband, if he makes food, cleans the house, takes me on romantic dates, takes care of me when I'm sick, if he is any good at house chores, or if he is good at showing emotions and the most asked, if he is good in bed. Although I try a lot to deviate most questions, sometimes I can't get away with them so I try to make up an image of a Blaze being a decent husband, at least is what I try t sell people.

I can't tell them the truth.

Besides the questionários, this marriage life isn't that bad. I rarely see or talk to Blaze besides those public events.

I wake up and dress myself, I get downstairs where h is probably already finishing eating and he leaves, I eat say my goodbyes to Dorothy and go to work. After responding to the questionnaire when I arrive in the reception, I go to my peaceful office and do my work. I have lunch with my crew at the cafeteria avoid dirty questions about Blaze's favorite things, do more work next and around 5h30 pm I leave. I get home, take a nice bath, put some lotion check on social media, watch a movie, I prepare dinner with Dorothy, eat it watch some Tv and go to bed.

Every day is the same, even if it's those days where we sleep in the same bed. I never see him at night, in fact sometimes I think if he actually sleeps, maybe he is like a vampire. Vampire's don't sleep right? Maybe they do but they don't actually need too right?

Maybe it sounds like I'm complaining but actually I'm not it's been 36 days of marriage and I can easily get used to this if I only need to see is stupid face in the morning, I'm pretty fine actually.

So I gently walked down the stairs smelling the delicious pancakes just made by my sweet Dorothy. I saw him already sat on the table with a journal in hand and drinking that disgusting green juice.

"Good Morning" I smiled walking to Dorothy and kissing her cheek.

"Good Morning Miss. Had a good sleep?"

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