109 |Happy New Year

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Elleonora's PoV

So that is the realization I made at the end of this year. I am in love with my fake husband , with the man I hated, with the man I could hardly stand, I am in love with Him.

Should I feel bad for it? I don't think so, it was almost impossible not to catch feelings for him, for the way he cared about me, how sweet he was especially when he looked at me.

I walked in his direction with a smile on my face for realizing my true feelings for him, I felt a relieve in my chest, my life wasn't perfect but it was pretty close to it, I had manage to turn, what I thought, that was the worse thing that ever happened to me into the greattest one. He was like my kryptonite and I was almost ashamed of it, because I realized that I would do anything for him, I turned into someone that I thought I never would because silly me thought that no one would and could ever care for me the way he does.

I finally get what my mom said when she would tell me stories about her and my father, the way that she loved him seemed straight out of a disney movie yet now it feels quite realistic to me. We don't have perfect days but they are close to it and although we fight we never sleep before we solve things out. I guess I finally found someone that works wit me, that cooperates, I feel like we are a team and I would be stupid and blind to not fall deeply in love with this man.

"Hey" I muttered caughting his attention, he slowly took a look at me, his eyes were shiny as if he held back tears but maybe it was just this cold. "You wanted to talk..." I refered while he nodded to himself and looked down at his boots "Is everything ok?"

"we need to talk about ─" he said then his eyes looked deeply into mine as he finished his sentence "─us"

I frowned trying to decipher his face, was he about to tell me that his feeling were reciprocated that he was in love with me? because if that is...then I need to tell him that I do to, I do love him.

As I thought about on what he was going to say I tried to analyze his face something that i've learned to do with time, i knew when he was sad, scared, happy, or worried, i could tell just by looking at him yet this time his face was different not completly unknow because I have sen this face before - It was almost as if it held no expression.

"What do you mean? Why do you look so ─"

"I want a divorce"

"─Cold" I tried to finish the phrase I had just begun and I tried to process the information of his words but all I could do was thorw a simple laugh

"What?" I asked as the sarcastic laugh died and reality hit me slowly

"I want to divorce from you" He was emotionless, then I recalled... the Blaze I had in front of me looked like the one I first met in the office for the first time, the one I had married in the first place.

"You what?" I let out a smile hoping he was kidding and this all had a nice and perfect explanation

"I want a divorce, Elleonora!" he said plainly looking at me, his cold gaze showed he was indeed speaking the truth

"I am sorry I am not catching this right now.... You want a what?"

"I have come to the realization that I am not myself anymore. You changed me into this man that I would despise before" He spoke like a knife stabbing my heart, he was serious " and I want it to end-"

"Blaze... I am not understanding"

"Elleonora, I want to divorce-"

"Oh I understood that part very clearly believe me" I said as anger started to consume me "what I don't understand is what the fuck is happening- like you- we were just fine seconds ago and now you want a divorce"

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