59 | 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫

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After his story telling, he stood in silence for a bit. In a comfortable silence.

I can't even imagine his pain and all that he went through. His parents made everything for him so complicated he won a big trauma, from the lost of sister to the revolt of his parents.

This is so messed up. I thought his family was weird but I didn't know everything and know that I do, shit... it's worse than I thought.

It's like he was always in his own. His sister died and he had to carried her grief and at the same time being hated and taking the fault from his parents. My only logical explanation is that their sudden lost turned into my revolt and that revolt was directioned to Blaze.

That is just sad and mean.

I don't want children, I don't know anything about being a parent but I do know that's messed up and that shouldn't have happened. They lost a daughter and at the same time because they didn't know how to handle things they also lost another son.

And he... He lost his sister and his parents. Their family was never the same. Damien got out victorious out of this because he probably did everything their parents wanted him to, although I can clearly see he doesn't play with a full deck.

Then there's Sarah. I'm still intrigued about her and their story. Well I know a bit of it, she left Blaze for Damien, how the hell did she thought that was a good thing. Got out of bad and got stuck with worse. But she... She intrigues me, there's something in her "the way she acts and desperately tries to be seen, and I have 80% sure, no... 89% sure she still likes Blaze or wants to be with him.

But I don't want to think about her now.

I would have loved to meet Annalise she seemed a pure soul and fun to be around. I think we would be great friends. I smiled thinking about her... Then I sudden thought came across my head... I had seen her before. On the day I went to his parents house. I saw a picture in a frame, there was a girl with two boys- that, that must've been her.

"We should eat" he said breaking the silence

"But- I- Blaze I- I am sorry if you felt pressured to tell me anything I did not in any circumstances push you to-" I tried to say worry feeling me up.

"Eleonora" he let out almost like in a breath, he said my name in such a captivating way "I told you this story because I wanted you to know. You didn't pressure anyone " he explained taking a small look in my eyes "Let's eat now. C'mon"

"Yeah... Let's see what this chicken is all about" I said trying to cheer up the mood. We were eating in the kitchen isle which was quite unusual, our meals were always on that big table, where we would barely talk to each other. Now we were side by side.

"I promise it's good " he said taking his cutlery and getting ready to eat.

I took a bite savoring the chicken and the very well-cooked pasta leaving me surprised. "Oh wow"

"Good right?" he questioned taking a look at me, his eyes were still red from trying to contain the tears but his face had a softer expression.

"Wow I didn't know this quality of yours" I said while munching on the food

"It's a fun hobby, it relaxes me"

"I think we don't need Dorothy to cook anymore" I joked.

"She has more time to cook than I do"

" Because your working time is longer than everybody else" I replied

"I am the boss. I have some perks" he joked

" weird perks... I don't want to be that kind of boss"

" well you are a very free-care boss" he commented making my eyebrow lift

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