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It was the day of the exchange and my heart was racing. 

We had Fiona tied up and in the back of the van and made sure to bring someone to check the divorce documents. 

Gio insisted on coming so he will be kept hidden in a mask as one of the guards with Fiona. 

He might as well become a guard at this point, he's always being undercover as one. 

Armani was also here with most the mafia men. 

The plan was to make the exchange quick that's why we are doing it on a road which only a few people use. 

We made it to the road and saw a white van as we got out. Gio who was masked, brough Fiona out as she was tied. 

My attention was turned to Abdyl as he started clapping loudly and cheering. "Look at the now Mafia Don Elenora. You weren't so confident when you were getting beat by me." He yelled. 

"Just shut up Abdyl and hand me the papers and take your filthy sister along with you." I yelled back. 

"What if I don't give the papers?" He challenged. 

"Then the girl dies." 

"Ok, but then you won't get a divorce." He replied. 

"You're right. I'll become a widow instead." 

His eyes widened at my words. 

I walked towards as he did too. We met in the middle of the crowd. 

"Don't do anything stupid if yo want to live." I said to him and he scoffed. He held up the divorce paper for me to see, not letting me touch it. 

I ushered a man over who would confirm this were actually real. Abdyl was reluctant to hand him the papers but he did. 

I faced the man who accessed the papers. 

"They're real." He said and Abdyl was about to take the papers off him when I grabbed his arm. 

"Patience." I said to him. 

"I won't go back on a deal Abdyl, don't worry. You're sister is of no use to me." I released his arm.

I ushered them to bring Fiona over and they did as I grabbed the papers from the mans hands and walked back towards our separate vans. Gio sitting beside me.

Fiona was now in their hands and everyone made it back into the van was I watched in the rear view mirror to make sure he wasn't planning any more. 

Surprisingly he didn't do anything. 

Gio took his mask off and looked at me smirking. I raised my eyebrow confused at him. 

"That was hot." He whispered looking me up and down. I slapped his arm lightly and he laughed. 

He took the papers out of my hands and looked at them. 

"How long will the process take?" He questioned. 

"Why, eager to marry me?" I laughed at him. 

"I mean yeah." He said making me stop laughing. 

I cleared my throat and spoke. "It can take a few months but I'll try to do something to quicken the process." 

"Don't you think this exchange was too peaceful for someone like Abdyl?" I asked. "Nora, stop stressing. Even if he did have something planned we'll get through it." He said and I nodded. 

"You have to start going to your company and get used to your job now. I'll handle all the mafia related stuff to lessen your burden." He stated. 

"I can manage." I replied. 

"Just shut up and let me help." He said making me look at him glaring.

"Who you speaking to like that?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. 

"If I'm not mistaken then only we are here right now, so obviously you."

"Giovanni don't boss me about-" I was cut off by him. "I'm not bossing you about Elnora. I'm trying to help you and you won't let me."

"I don't want help."

"Well you're getting it. I don't care what you say. I'll help you Elenora, no matter what." He said as his eyes pierced into mine. 

"I won't come in you way at all. I'll simply help in the background, it's the least I can do for not finding you sooner Nora." He whispered the last part. I didn't what to say so I simply nodded and so did he. 

 We made it to the mansion and we both got out. I was about to enter when Gio spoke. I saw his car was parked with his brother and sister here. 

"Nora, I have to go. I have some work to do, I'll keep checking in on you. If I can't come myself I'll send someone to check on you. My guards are already here too and I'll send more so don't worry-" I cut him off. "Gio, calm down. I'll be fine don't worry."

"Take care of yourself Nora. Let me know if you need anything." He said and I nodded. 

"You take care too. I know you have an obsession over me but I'll be fine." I said and he chuckled lightly. 



He walked away into his car and I walked into the mansion. 

The home really does feel empty without him. 

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