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2 months later

My divorce has officially been done now. I'm now Elenora Accardi again. 

It feels like a whole burden has been lifted off me.

Thanks to the money Aleksander left me I managed to get one of the best lawyers who got our divorce done as quickly as possible without any confrontations.

I've also been going to work now since I'm the CEO of a company. The company used to be called Cela Enterprises but I've decided that I'll change the name to Accardi Enterprises. The name change will be finalised today. 

I saw Gio once during these 2 months and we texted each other only a few times. He's clearly been too busy.

I don't want to admit that I missed him but, it felt different without him for so long.

Instead of coming himself he'd send Aria over to make sure I'm fine, which I'm grateful for. I got to rekindle some old childhood memories with her. I realised both of them are quite similar. Especially when they cover up their emotions. 

Now that I think about it I don't know anything about Gio...

Now I feel guilty. 

I doubt he knows anything about me anyways. 

I was sitting in my office about to finalise when I thought I'd ask Gio about it. He does have more experience than me after all. What if it was a bad idea? 


Are you busy?

I texted but no reply. 

I put my phone down since he didn't reply and instead did some other work avoiding the name changing for now. 

That's when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said and my PA, Lia entered. 

"Ma'am the management office are asking about the name change." She said. 

I looked at my phone to see if Gio replied but none. Instead I saw 2 ticks which meant he had read the message. 

That bastard-

Lia handed me a file and I double checked everything and signed it. 

'Accardi Enterprises'

I handed Lia the file and she left. 

Whilst I continue to sort out a business deal. 


Time Skip

It was around 6pm when I called the driver to drop me home. I didn't realise how much work their was today and I doubled it with the company name change. 

I sat in the back of the car with my shoulders slumped and my head back. I closed my eyes for a while, well it felt like a while until the driver called my name making me open my eyes. 

I realised the car had stopped because we made it home. But that wasn't why he call me. It was because the door to the mansion was open as well as the glass windows being smashed. 

I instantly grabbed the gun from under the car seat and exited the car. A few guards followed me as we entered the home. 

We cautiously checked the room but saw no one. Only mess. Everything was ruined, even the bed...

Who would put so much effort into breaking a bed?

That's when I remembered...

My dad's pocket watch. 

I sprinted upstairs into my room, rummaging through the drawers searching for it. But I couldn't find it anywhere. I checked the already ruined closet but still couldn't find it. 

I always kept it in a box in the dresser draw, but it wasn't there. 

They took it...

And the only person who knew about it was Abdyl. 

I broke down into tears as I hugged my knees. 

The pocket watch wasn't just a normal watch for me, it was something that gave me hope. It was my fathers, the only thing I had of his. It was basically an heirloom for me but much more. 

The pocket watch was made of real gold, when you opened it you see a normal clock. However, my dad's one was special. Once you opened the watch a second time their was a family picture inside. Our family...

The only picture of us. 

Of my mother, father and me together. 

I was crying when a guard ran into my room. 

"Ma'am we have to get out. Fire!" He yelled and he didn't let me reply when he dragged me out pulling me downstairs. 

I was confused about what he was saying but when I looked I saw my office burning in the far corner and gasoline around the room door frame of every room and around the walls. 

These sly bastards. 

The guard managed to drag me out as he called the fire brigade. 

I was practically forced into the car by the guards. Am I the boss or are they? 

I sat in the car and opened my phone. 

I would have called Gio but the fact that he didn't reply to my message made me not want to call him. 

Instead I called Aria. 

I'd let her know and book a hotel. 

I wiped my tears as Aria picked up the call.

"Hey Nora!" She said cheerfully. 

"Hi." I said not meeting her energy at all. 

"Are you ok? What's wrong Nora? Are you hurt? Did something happen to you? Who messed with you I'll kill the bastard!" She went on a rant. 

"Calm down Aria." I said losing my energy by the second. 

"Someone destroyed the whole mansion. They broke everything, and also set fire to it. Luckily I managed to escape on time." 


"No Aria, I'm staying in a hotel."

"No way in hell are you staying alone right now. GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yelled and hung up. 


I sighed and leaned my head back in the car. 

I heard my phone and saw Aria texted me the address. 

I got out the car and saw the fire brigade had arrived and they were handling the fire. Almost half the mansion had burnt anyways. 

"Ma'am you should go rest. You can stay at a hotel." The guard that dragged me out said to me 

"Will you be able to handle this?" I asked him and he nodded. 

I was about to walk away when I spoke again. "What's your name?" 


"Visit my office in 2 days Emiliano. I'll get you promoted." I said and turned towards my car. 

I wanted the driver to rest too so I took one of my own cars. Luckily I had the key. 

I sat in the car putting in the address Aria gave. It was 30 minutes away which made me regret letting the driver go. 

I was exhausted and now I had to drive so far. But I had no choice. The nearest hotel was even further away. 

I sighed and made my way to Aria's home. 

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