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Elenora POV

I woke up with no one beside me. I checked the time and saw that I slept till the next day.

The stress has made me exhausted.

I suddenly remembered that Gio said he'll go to the Russians and Abdyl yesterday and sprung out of bed.

I checked the bathroom, the room and ran downstairs but didn't see him.

I asked a maid and she said he left hours ago.

I felt my heart drop.

He didn't even discuss the plan with me.

What if something happens to him?

I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head and went back upstairs.

I checked for a letter, anything, but there was nothing.

I picked up my phone and saw a message from yesterday.

"Hey, Nora. I'm going to go finish this Abdyl issue once in for all. Don't worry I was well rested when I left, hopefully I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself and make sure to eat. - Gio"

A tear fell from my eye reading his text.

The message was sent yesterday, then why isn't he back yet?

I called Aria and she picked up almost instantly.

"Aria, any news from Gio?"

"No, he just texted me before he left. They should have been done by now." Aria said.

"What about Alonzo? Do you have no updates at all?" I asked again feeling worried.

"No Nora, I'm sorry. But don't worry they'll be fine."

"I hope so." I whispered into the phone.

I didn't want to lost him.

And not to Abdyl at all.

I was about to hang up when Aria spoke again. "Mr Armani might know. They worked on the plan together."

I thanked Aria and hung up.

I decided to text Armani instead of calling him.

"Hey, I hope your ok. Any updates from Gio and the guys?"

I waited for a response impatiently and it finally came in. "It might take another day, that's all I know so far."

"Why? Are things going badly?" I asked wanting to know more, I knew he was hiding something.

"No, just hope for the best Elenora. He should be back tomorrow."

"Ok, thank you."

I put my phone down hoping he wasn't lying to me.

I knew that when Gio came back I'd scold him.

I mean how could he leave without even saying bye? I deserved more to be honest.

I heard a knock on the door and said 'come in.'

It was the maid, with a tray of food in her hand.

"Ma'am sir said you must eat and take care of yourself." She said placing the tray on the table.

"Yh, well sir clearly isn't taking care of himself." I mumbled to which the maid made a confused expression since she didn't hear me properly.

I smiled and thanked her and she walked out.

I grabbed the piece of toast and started eating in in silence.

I'm just going to hope for the best.

He'll come back he's Gio. He's been a mafia for years.

He'll be just fine.

Time skip - 2 days later. - Night time.

2 days had gone past and they still weren't here.

What was taking so long?

This wasn't a war, just come back already.

The worry in me kept increasing more and more.

Aria decides to stay over since we were both worried now.

Gio was apparently quick to get the job done, so Aria didn't understand what was taking so long.

That made me worry even more.

I was laying in bed as the 3rd day would be coming soon, which would make me more afraid.

The more I waited the more the feeling became prominent.

I was struggling to sleep due to the fear of not seeing him.

I've never been so afraid of losing someone.

It's an unknown feeling.

A feeling that I don't want.

A feeling that's tearing me apart.

I closed my eyes hoping for a peaceful sleep to overtake me but nothing happened. I couldn't sleep.

I got out of bed in my light pink silk sleep wear and made my way downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled with with water.

I sat on the kitchen stool as I drank it.

That's when I heard a loud band coming from the door.

I turned my head and got up creaping near the door to see Gio-

He was holding on to the wall holding onto his stomach, whilst Alonzo helped him walk.

There was blood everywhere.

I ran towards him calling his name.

My vision was blurred due to my tears.

I also helped him as we placed him on the sofa.

Alonzo ran into the kitchen and grabbed a medical kit and ran back.

Aria had also arrived at this point, probably from the sound.

Everyone was too speechless to speak so we simply started helping instead.

I helped Gio take his shirt off, he winced in pain slightly but tried to hide it.

Gio kept eyeing me weirdly but I wasn't in the mood to question it, I was too worried.

Alonzo applied an ointment onto his wound using a cotton pad which made Gio wince slightly again.

I sat beside Gio holding his hand tightly.

The wound was really deep.

"You'll need stitches." Alonzo said and we all simply nodded.

Alonzo got out the equipment which made me raise an eyebrow. "Do you know how to stitch a wound?" I asked him.

"Yes, we all do." Alonzo replied and I nodded.

Mafia stuff-

I looked at Gio to see him already looking at me.

"Did you not eat properly?" Gio asked looking me up and down.

"Shut up Gio." I whispered softly tears still in my eyes. "You didn't even tell me before you left." I glared at him making Gio sigh.

"Well, it was because you would worry and try to stop me."

"And rightfully so I would. If it prevented this then yes I would stop you." I said.

Gio winced slightly at Alonzo stitching his wound. I looked at the stitches to see it was already half way done.

"When you get better I'm gonna beat you myself." I whispered at him which made Alonzo laugh.

"Love birds." Alonzo muttered still doing his stitches, making me glare at him.

"Alonzo, can you tell me what happened?" I asked him ignoring his previous statement.

Before Alonzo could reply Gio spoke.

"It doesn't matter since Abdyl is dead now."

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