Chapter 8: The Black Cat

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Bouk twisted his body swinging the Black Excaliber managing to cut the skin of the Thanafer, "At times you can be ridiculously badass," Unknown stated, Bouk stood straight up to see the Thanafers in battle position, with Reapers overwatching them both, "That's it," Bouk mumbled, and the gen that was on his sword shined to it's brightest, the Thanafer fused to an even larger one, looking merely like a monster, and Bouk's armor created trims that glow blue, and the cape turned from cloth to digital energy, "You're coming with me," Bouk stated, swinging his open hand to the side, and Unknown was surrounded with holographic symbols and is glowing blue, "Sweet, the buffs that you always gave me," Said Unknown.
The two charged with insane speed, hitting the Thanafer one at a time, slashing the arms, legs, body, and so on, Bouk was knocked back into the sky, and he yelled, making the area shake, glass breaking, and the Thanafer charging towards Bouk, and Bouk flies back toward the Thanafer's head and headbutts it, the beaming red eyes under his helmet is met with the mask of the Thanafer. Phantom finally reached back to the scene, and Brad and Allie stood back up to see the Thanafer fading into the sky, and Bouk landing on one knee, "Restore" Bouk mumbled after his armor retracted into the mask, and what returned was Dark.

Dark stood up before the clouds started to move again "We don't talk about what happened here," Dark stated turning their back and walking away, "Who were they," Brad asks, "Don't know, but, I feel like there's something greater in that body of their's" Allie stated.

Dark walked through the streets to hear a girl yelling from the allies, and Dark ran over as quickly as possible, to encounter a drunk man, and Dark ran up to the guy and dropped kick him, "Baka," Dark muttered,  "idiotic drunken, socio, narcissistic ass-hats like you shouldn't be on the streets," Dark added, and Dark lightly punches the drunken man towards a dumpster but the man hit the dumpster hard, but not too hard to cause injury.

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