Chapter 11: Unknown's Darkness

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2/5/2023 Afternoon
Dark continued to travel through a hallway they encountered a kid drawing, with whom they kneeled down "What are you drawing," Dark asks. the child shows what she was drawing showed an owl and another person under the owl, "That is an adorable drawing young one," Dark says, and the kid smiled, "See the owl, it is the protector of many," Dark said, "If you need the owl's help, it will always respond," Dark added, handing the kid a small owl plush, and in return, the kid gave Dark another mask, that looks more threatening than his own. As he continued to walk down the hallway he entered a room, his room, and before he could close the door, he heard yelling, so he peaked out into the hall, "You think some stupid owl will protect you," A man yelled at the child, but then, Dark disappeared into feathers, and the lights flickered, Dark appeared in the darkness, "You ready Unknown," Boukyaku said, "Always," Unknown responded, Dark made the lights red, "You mess with the people in this building, and I will beat, the ever, living DAYLIGHTS, out of all of you," Dark said with beaming red eyes "You mess with the mafia, huh," the one who yelled previously yelled again, then, gunfire, and multiple times Dark disappeared, protecting the lives they put at risk, and beating up every single man who goes against Dark. "You reapers... have rained terror within this part of the city," Dark stated, "This neighborhood," "These people," his voice echoed, then fog arrived within the hall behind Dark, and figments of a dead forest, "Send a message to your boss," Dark said, slamming a face of one of the gang member's face into a wall, breaking the wall, "Because every single one of you never got the message," Dark said, then the winter winds blew within the hall, with an owl hoot, "The creed shall protect St. Louis," Dark said, then the kid, got up with beaming red eyes, and the men screamed in terror, retreating. "What was that," Ravi asks, "Not part of your business," Dark stated.

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