Chapter 22: Screams of Death

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Dark ran around the Wavefer oftentimes swinging, and slashing at it, and when the Wavefer is down, the chest opened ribs sticking out revealing a soul, and Dark grabbed the soul, and crushed it, with human screams bursting out of it.

Dark stood in a field of converted grass, with the father looming over them on top of a building, watching, and Dark looked directly where the father is, but before Dark got to fully turn, something greater fell out of the clouds, a Thanafer that speaks, larger, mechanical, with godly symbols, but before anything happens, Dark collapsed.

Domain Memory Space
Dark was separated to reveal only Bouk, no longer with Unknown, Phantom, Himari or Frostlyon, but in the memory space, with mirrors revealing people that are distorted in the reflections, his future self hidden in the smoke, along with a boy with black and orange, no sword but one eye covered, and wearing a mask, "I see you finally decided to come around," the boy said, finally bursting flames on his back, "You know what will happen, during the calamity of 2037, correct Boukyaku," the boy said, but Bouk couldn't speak, "He does know, he just can't speak in this plain of existence yet, Ash Tomogota" The future Bouk said, "Anyways, New Alstrok will be recreated again if you don't do anything now, the calamity will strike this world again if you don't erase this Thanafer," the future self yelled, "I'll lend you my future sight, you can only seek an only ten seconds ahead, and a minimum for one time every ten minutes," Ash said.

Unknown lay in the empty smoke-filled room, alone, unable to speak either, but then only a man with one red, and black eye, in knight armor originally black, with white crawling all over, "You have heart," The man said, "I'm Slade Tech, and I am guessing, you are the infamous and original Unknown that fought for the demon realm during what we call the Italian war," Slade stated, and Unknown confused, but nodded, "I saw the soul of Frostlyon here, I wonder who he got," Slade mumbled, "Anyways, I give you my courage to have more accessibility of what's right," Slade said, smiling at Unknown.

Himari sat in the smoke looking down, "I'll be direct here, I know what your feeling, especially with, your people that fell in a war, or takeover," a boy said, wearing a black vest and a blue shirt, with two sheaths on his back but only one sword, "I'm Issac Drage, the dragon king," Issac said, "I wish to be out on the field again, without the swords or blue flames though, but, I'll let this be short, You can lead, and I entrust you with my blessing of peace and leadership, Himari," Issac said.

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